Writing My First Client Program
I mean, my husband’s program.
He asked me weeks ago if I would get him into shape now that I’m a personal trainer. My daily life is back to normal since I returned from Colorado, and I’m finally not so incredibly busy that I can’t sit down to work on it. Last week was insanely busy for me and I didn’t hardly get the chance to work on anything that wasn’t immediately needed.
So tonight, here I am, in the last half hour before my kids go to bed, and I’m reviewing my notes and going back through my course textbook to look at Client Assessment tests and fitness tests. My husband is strong, but I can’t remember the last time I saw him rep something out. He’s been fit for most of his life, a natural athlete, but his mid 30s brought on an extra 15 lbs of soft midsection that he tells me isn’t fond of. I love it, but if he doesn’t then I guess we should work on it, shouldn’t we?
I’ve got a good general idea of what I need to do to start him off, but I want to be sure. My husband does have some injuries that I need to be aware of, and honestly the first thing I’m going to make him do is mobility, mobility every single damn day. Get him moving in a way that frees his stress tightened joints.
Anyway. It feels fun, and interesting, to be building a program for someone other than myself, I have all this knowledge behind it now too, so it feels like a big deal. I’m excited to start working with him in the mornings next week.