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VS Day 6: Quiet in there, Brain.

Mia Garlock

I​ think I’m going to call it Turtle Syndrome when my core muscles are this sore, because I literally have to be rolled out of bed and helped to stand. I’m sore from my shoulders to the backs of my thighs, and I mean it when I tell you that I really struggled to get out of bed today.

I​ tried to sleep in a bit, but it’s like these days my brain is hardwire to be up before the Sun. I woke up at 4am, at 5am, at 6am…. and then I was tired of tossing around and got up. I didn’t even check my phone or anything, I got up and went straight to Mindstilling. I focused on my breathing, on being present in my body, on each sore muscle all the way up and down. The peace I couldn’t find trying to sleep in, I found in my breath. I needed it today.

F​amily drama came to me yesterday and it had me more stressed than I realized. The story of my parents is convoluted and messy, and not something I want to share here. Just know that the roaring in my head gets loud when they come around, always unexpectedly, and always carrying some drama or stress to hand off to me. This is where I relate to Nesta the most- I keep them at arms length, trying to protect myself, protect my peace. Somehow, they always find a way under my skin, and all the negative voices in my head get louder.

I​ needed Mindstilling today like a Fish needs water. I’m so grateful for it today, and grateful that I could tap into that peace quickly.

S​aturdays are for counting Steps, Mindstilling, and probably some Valkyrie Yoga. The plan is to take a family walk down a local trail and get in as many steps as possible. I didn’t quite make 6k steps the other day, so it’s my goal to reach it today. We have a trail about a quarter mile from the house that is beautiful, lined with trees, and on a sunny day like today it will be gorgeous. Hopefully it will tire out the kids a bit too and we can have a chill afternoon.

I​’ve been spending a lot of time on recipe development too, I’ve got several cookbooks with some really flavorful sauces that I’m referencing to come up with some delicious meals for you all. I’m playing with the idea of a cookbook too, Eating out in Velaris, or Eat like a Valkyrie, or something like that. It feels like a huge undertaking, but it’s one of those things that I’ve always been curious about.

I​t’s 10am now and I should probably get moving. More tea first though.


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