Valkyrie Yoga & a Massage
I woke up to it being bitingly cold outside, wind blowing sideways and howling in the eaves. My feet have been wonky for a few days now, the toes on my left foot novacaine numb and tingly, and sharp incessantly shooting pains in my right foot. Lovely.
I got out my massage balls and began to roll my feet and activate the neurotransmitters in my soles. I have a spiky ball to wake up and challenge my nerves, which encourages proprioception- body awareness- and a smooth round one for applying firm pressure. After about 15 minutes on both feet I slid on my slippers and made tea and breakfast. My feet didn't feel that much better though.
After hobbling around for a couple hours doing chores my husband sat me down and rubbed my feet and calves and helped me release some knots that were making my feet hurt so badly. I felt good enough afterwards that I did some yoga and mobility and loosened up the tension hiding in other areas of my body.
The massage helped so much, my feet ultimately stopped hurting for the first time in days. My toes were still a teensy bit numb, but nothing like the tingly pins and needles sensations I had been having for days.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll be in less pain and better able to move around.