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Valkyrie Squad: Combining Day 12 and 13

Mia Garlock

Updated: Feb 13, 2024

I​ laid in bed for about 5 minutes after the alarm went off this morning for me to get up and work out. I stared at the dark ceiling, contemplating if I was actually going to get up at 5:30am to work out on a Saturday, when we’re going to spend all afternoon at an orchard with the kids, apple picking. Those apples roll on into Sunday too, because we’ll be bringing home enough to make tons of apple sauce for the kids for winter, and canning it all. My weekend is full, and I should’ve thought it out more when I decided it’d be no big deal to switch days around and split up my rest days. I was so tired and sore yesterday though, I didn’t want to risk hurting myself.

Sometimes, you’re just tired, and nothing changes it, but we have to keep our commitments anyway.

I know this exhaustion is because my cycle is just waiting to spring on me, probably to bombard me when I’m in the middle of an apple orchard later this afternoon. I’m cramping, bloated, and I feel like I haven’t slept a second, even though I was in bed early last night. I’m unmotivated, but I know the way I will be kicking myself all day today if I don’t get going and workout. And that right there, that knowledge that I’ll feel literal disappointment in myself later if I don’t keep my promise to myself- that’s what has me up and dressed.

W​e have a variety of Mindstilling audios to choose from, some for walking and some for unwinding, one for hard days, and one for Uplifting, for Morning, for Evening. I chose two this morning, Uplifting, which I did right before I went outside, and Motivating for my walk with Yrsa after I finished the mat workout. I knew that the deep breathing would oxygenate my blood and get my heart rate steady, but awake, activating all the muscles before I even started using them with any intensity. The mind clearing was like putting a cherry on top of a Sundae, no more did I hear my inner whine insisting that I go back to bed, or pointing out how much cramps suck. I was awake, and ready, by the end of it.

I​ am the Rock against which the surf crashes. Your thoughts are the waves, they crash over you, and then pull away. Let them pull away.

F​ocused breathing is teaching me a lot about myself, a lot about my emotions and how to handle them, in a way I never knew I could. Meditation has always been a struggle, the idea that you should be able to empty your brain of all thought, a daunting and impossible challenge. Mindstilling, thinking of your thoughts as the tide coming and going… it changes the game. I don’t empty my mind of thoughts, I am simply unbothered and unaffected by their presence, and I’m able to go about my tasks and my day without being overwhelmed by intrusive or negative thoughts rolling through my head. Just breathe.

O​n the Mat

T​here’s more push-ups today, the video description foretells us the need of an elevated surface, but that’s the only equipment needed.

W​e started with some Shoulder Articulation to warm us up and prepare us for those push ups.

I​ noticed a significant difference in my right vs my left shoulder here. Shoulder Mobility here I commmmeeeee.

K​ick Throughs are quite possibly my least favorite thing. Look them up, I'm sure you'll despise them too.

Next we did some reverse dead hybern things. Watch the video to know what in the world I'm talking about.

W​yrm Walkout to Push Up– I know Sam can’t see me, but I stuck my tongue out at the screen when she told us to do these.

C​ombo Lunges– I felt personally attacked by these. Thanks Sam.

C​ool it down with some stretches, prone pigeon on each side, some shoulder and chest stretches. I was surprised at how sweaty I was at the end of today’s workout!

I​ had to wait about 15 minutes before we could go walk- it was so dark, and Yrsa and I both sport black hair. I’ll have to get my hands on some reflective gear as the Summer Sunrise scoots into Winter mode, and the sunrise is later every morning.

I​’m sure I’ll get tons of steps in later today at the orchard, but I’m doing 6 laps today. I didn’t get hardly any steps in yesterday because I was so tired. I’m less tired after my workout today, and I’m ready to go walk now. I’m always so amazed at how much better I feel after Valkyrie Squad, I wonder if Sam knows how much she’s changing my life, and other’s lives too. Going from potato to Valkyrie seemed so impossible before, and now… now I’m different. I’m wondering if I was under water in that cauldron before too, and now I’m out, a whole different person.


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