Valkyrie Squad Day 79: Rain, & an Allergy Encounter
I did not sleep well last night. In fact I think I looked at the clock at 3:15a, 4:30a, 5:15a, and 6:00a, before I just decided to get up. At some point at around two am, it started raining, which normally gets me right to sleep and sleeping hard all night, but that wasn’t the case for me. I was awake, tossing and turning, and itchy.
At first I thought it was nerves, or restless legs, because I get that sometimes. Then I thought it was dry skin, because it’s winter, and my skin is always so so dry as soon as the furnace is running all the time. At 4:30a I got up and was pacing the living room and itching everywhere, my arms, shoulders, face, legs. Everywhere was itchy and my skin felt tight. I was also noticing some waves of heat across my face and chest and then a chill. What the hell is happening?
And then I realized what happened.
I ate something with tree nuts in it. I’m allergic to them in large quantities, I can eat a few nuts and be fine, but if it’s a large amount, say a nut flour, or in granola- I will react. And what was my late night snack last night? A much beloved chocolate granola, that I had believed did not contain nuts. But there it was, on the ingredients list- almonds.
My ears feel full and itchy, and I keep getting waves of overstimulation, like everything is touching me wrong. My hair is tickly, my clothes are scratchy, my skin is tight and dry. I haven’t noticed any issues with my throat or my breathing, but I’m on watch now.
I don’t have an epi pen for situations like this, it would be impossible for me to afford. I have a few things I do at home to help me navigate my symptoms and help my body process through it. Nettles infusion is high in querticin, a compound that helps lower histamine response, which triggers itching and sinus pressure. It tastes a bit like hay, so I like to add some lemon and honey to it to sweeten it, and boost the value of the infusion, or tea. I took a Q tip and put a small amount of garlic oil in my ears to help relieve the pressure of whatever fluid has gathered there due to this reaction. And lastly, I will hydrate like crazy. While my body is going through it’s process of handling the allergen, aided by the nettles infusion, the best thing I can do is help my body flush out by drinking a gallon or more of water for the next few days. If any symptoms worsen or my breathing becomes compromised, I will of course seek medical attention. For now, I’ll stay home and chill out.
Breathing exercises is probably all I will really try to do today, I am energetic enough for more, but with my allergy response active, it’s not in my best interest right now to do so. If I elevate my heart rate too much, I will speed up the reaction process and some of my symptoms can worsen as my body becomes overwhelmed. So today is a super chill day.
Which really, is fine with me, because I still have some laundry and tidying up to do, and I have Holiday Cards to write and pack up for my Valkyrie Sisters and the gift exchange we’re doing! I’m so excited, and my cards are so freaking cute. I’m not usually the type to send out any kind of Holiday cards, but I love that so many of my Valkyrie Sisters are doing it and sending out little things here and there if they can. It just makes the connection we have that much more real, not just in forum. Gah! I love Valkyrie Squad with my whole heart.
It’s raining, so no walk today, I’m getting a headache now, so I’m off to make some Nettles tea and start working on those cards and trinkets. Mindstilling probably all day, and maybe some knitting too if I’m feeling it.
#Training #Meditation #Mindstilling #ValkyrieinTraining #ValkyrieLifestyle #ValkyrieSisters #Workout #BreathingExercise #Nettles #HolidayCards #AllergicReaction #BreathWork #Walking #Discord #Insomnia #Yoga #ValkyrieDiscord #DiscordCommunity #Valkyrie #GiftExchange #ValkyrieSquad #AllergyResponse #ChillDay