Valkyrie Squad Day 39: Total Body, plus some Valkyrie Influenced Choices
It’s Saturday, and just like I swapped workout days, so apparently has the speed of my day. Yesterday I was feeling worn out, so I laid low all day and took a late afternoon nap, soup for dinner. A day of rest. Today, I woke up at around 6:30a, and the wind was blowing so hard, taking the confidence right out of me and my work out plans. I looked at the weather and it was in the low 40s, but would warm up to 55 by 11:00a, so I made some tea and a small breakfast and I went about my journals and planners. I didn’t get around to post this blog until nearly 5pm!
Around 10:30a I went out onto the porch to test the temp and wind, and it was bearable with a hoodie and my ears covered. I marched back inside and changed into my workout clothes and grabbed my weights, mat, block and headphones and went back out.
As soon as Sam mentioned needing some sliders for the floor I groaned. I remember this one. It was another cool morning a few weeks ago, and I had my shoes on; which meant I had to hover my foot just above the ground to do these leg sweeps.
I said screw it, and I toed off my shoes. I couldn’t keep my balance with my sneakers on anyway, I’ll deal with the cold air.
We did leg sweeps and Cat/Cow pose, with some side angle lunge/leans to warm up and then we got started with the actual work out. I was definitely warm.
The bursts of strong wind throughout the 25 minute workout kept me from getting super sweaty, but my muscles were telling the story of a slow burn. We did weighted sword draws over the shoulder, and the backs of my arms have a lot to say about it. Dead lifts, Standing Press to Knee Drive, and some Skull crushers. I was just grateful for the lack of planks.
I took Yrsa for a trail walk and it was significantly shorter than our normal. To be fair though, she was dragging me all over the place trying to dodge puddles, while simultaneously trying to chase squirrels and bunnies and leaves that skittered by when the wind kicked up.
Valkyrie Squad has begun seeping into other facets of my life, most recently my jewelry choices. I’ve had stretched earlobes for 20 years, and in the last year or so I began feeling like my 1 inch earrings were a bit cumbersome. I have a beautiful collection of organic stone jewelry, including a rather expensive set of Jimmy Buddha Labradorite and White Brass hangers.

Not even all of them
Alas, I am not a change my earrings daily kind of girl. I have often forgotten to put my jewelry back in once I’ve taken them out, for days and days at a time, just for my lobes to shrink and then I have to work through several sizes to wear my collection of 1inch plugs. Just to repeat the same scenario over again, and again, because jewelry rolls out of my ears at night, or I took them out to shower after working out because even my ears get sweaty when I work out.
So with sweaty lobes and lazy fashion choices guiding me, I’ve the choice to stop wearing those gigantic rocks in my ears. I’ve switched to a subtle and delicate stack of tiny rings to hug the bottom of my earlobe. My epic collagen production has shrunk my lobes quite significantly already, and with more time they might continue to shrink. Now, I won’t feel those big pieces of carved crystal dig in my head under my headphones, or get slimy with sweat. No more searching in the bed for escapee jewelry. Just simple, breathable, and comfortable.
I’ve also stopped wearing so much jewelry on my wrists and hands, because they interfere with my grip or doing those lovely forearm planks. My pants are usually some kind of athletic legging, which is comfortable for me, and my husband doesn’t seem to mind the view either. I’ve begun to organize and make my life around me more efficient and functional vs a clutter of things in every corner. My wardrobe is more function vs decorative. I’ve been purging things that stress me out instead of storing it for another time when I will magically feel more able to take it on.
Slowly, I’ve begun to wriggle out of the hole I’ve been in for too long. I wake up excited and ready, my daily tasks don’t feel too big anymore, and I can see and feel the changes in my body, in my muscles, my strength. It’s both excited and terrifying, because I’m not who I was, but I’m not really sure where this is all headed, where I’m headed, either. I just know that it’s one hundred times better than where I’ve been.
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