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Valkyrie Squad Day 25:Beast Mode

Mia Garlock

So I’m writing this several hours post workout, and my legs have not stopped shaking since I stepped off the mat at 11:30a.

Sam declared today Leg Day, and she wasn’t messing around. I had to stop a few times and shake my head in sweaty disbelief because it was so hard. But also, because I did every move confidently.

Photo by Olya Kobruseva on

I paid a lot of attention during each move to how my hips were sitting and how much weight was being displaced in my low back, I was careful to tuck my tailbone and keep my hips and spine neutral and strong before each and every squat and lunge. It didn’t take long for my core to burn just as much as my quads were, and before we were halfway through, my glutes were on fire and I was shaking and breathing hard.

I’m not going to be as detailed in moves today, because it’s 3:25pm and my brain is just as fried as my legs are.

We warmed up with some Standing Hip Circles, which were hard for me. I had to really intentionally keep my pelvis pulled forward and my low core tight to keep my hips and my butt from sticking out too far. But it was that focus that ignited my core and held my attention through it all. My hips were popping with every rotation, and my glutes were so sore before we even switched sides, but the warmth that generated in my muscles had me ready to work out.

And then Sam set us up for Baby Pistol Squats, and I doubted my readiness for a minute. Especially when I realized she intended for me to do these with my 10lb weight.

My balance is crappy at best, and needs a lot of work, so I didn’t feel super confident about these when I first started. But I followed Sam’s lead and I stepped my left foot on the block, weight in my left hand, and held my right foot in front of me and squat down. And I did it. I did it 10 times without falling. I consciously tucked my tailbone and breathed through each squat. I for sure wobbled on a few of them, especially as we neared the end of the set on that side. But I did them. Then of course we had to switch sides, and rep it out on the other leg.

We also did Low Step Back Lunges with those 10lbs, and Squat to Dead Lifts with 10lbs. And each move, I kept my core engaged, my hips neutral, and my spine straight. I was so proud of myself as I finished Day 25, I still can’t believe I did any kind of pistol squat and did it without falling over or hurting myself.

I did wait a couple hours before I walked Yrsa, I wanted to see if my legs would quit shaking before I took that adventure. They did not, so at 2 we went for 5 laps. I know, not our usual 6 laps, but my legs were really wobbly at that point and Yrsa was giving me a lot of side eye for making her walk in the afternoon during her nap time. Even during our walk though, I kept my posture in check; my hips were pulled forward and and my shoulders rolled back, neck long and head high. I’m calling it Valkyrie Posture.

Photo by Laker on

It’s a beautiful day today, and even though I’m tired and sore and still shaky, I’m going to go spend some time in the sunshine with my wildlings.


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