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Valkyrie Squad Day 16: This Core is on Fire

Mia Garlock

O​hhhhhh the way my obliques cried upon sitting up today. Those side plank extensions yesterday took it out of me, and I was immediately hesitant about the core work video for today because this is the 3rd week of Novice and I know Sam is kicking it up a notch. Time to get my butt kicked.

W​e started with a deep lunge, taking care to tuck the tailbone in to activate the lower abdominals and pushing the hips forward to get a deep stretch from the obliques to the hip flexors. This stretch was so lovely, my hips being notoriously tight, and the new soreness from those blasted side planks.

“​Stretching,” Cassian said, as if that were answer enough. “Never forget the stretching.” page 161, A Court of Silver Flames

A​t this point, Sam reassured us that there are no planks today, but she did it with a chuckle that made me nervous for what else she has planned.

W​e then moved into a stretch that began in a wide table top position, threading an arm beneath us to stretch the outer arm, and then pulling back out and reaching to the sky on that side, providing a twist and stretch through the side body. Ugh, the ache, the pull, the twist was both brutal and sweet relief from yesterday’s training.

S​am is using a Pilates ball this morning, I don’t have one of those so I used a yoga block.

D​istracted Toe Taps- I tried doing these without the block under my butt, and I did it, but it was rough.

Now we move to kneeling, both knees on the ground, with a block or pilates ball between the legs, just above the knees. Reach your arms in front of you (finger guns are helpful) square your shoulders, and neutralize the hips- square them off and pull the pelvis forward to tuck your tailbone, engaging the deep core.

Blurry Finger Guns

B​lasted Side Planks– I groaned when Sam moved into these “kind of like yesterday,” there is no leg extension today, but my obliques are already tired.

I​ feel a little deceived, she told us no planks today, and then we did a side plank. I may be glaring at her from across the country.

W​e stretched the front body and core with some tiny core floats a la seal pose and upward facing dog, it felt so good. Finishing up with a few minutes in childs pose.

I wish to nap. Core exercises always make me feel extra tired, I mentioned before, those are the muscles that hold us upright all day and enable breathing, and lifting, and everything else. Working these out mean I’m gonna want to throw in the towel by 2pm. But just to secure my exhaustion, Yrsa and I are gonna tackle our 6 laps.

I​’ve been working on some new recipes to share on the blog, I have an apple breakfast bar I’m working on releasing later this week, and an apple butter pork roast that I’m dying to share with you all. I had Lebanese inspired burgers the other day that were so scrumptious, I’m writing up that recipe too, maybe meatballs? I always find inspiration in the seasonal change over, and we’re on the cusp of Autumn right now in Michigan, so I’ve got all the warming spices, apple recipes, and cozy roast everything ideas flooding my brain right now. Stay tuned!


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