Valkyrie Interrupted: Toddler Edition
I was ready to wake up at 5am today, no exhaustion, just ready to wake up and workout. I haven’t even had my tea yet, my body is just happy and accustomed to getting up early and rocking it. But my youngest apparently also had this plan, because her little 3 year old head came bouncing out of the bedroom about 10 minutes after I had made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast for my husband. We don’t play that, so I hurriedly threw breakfast at the beard, and marched her back to bed. My bed, because Mom’s bed is always way better. She wouldn’t let me go for a good hour, it was 6:15a when I was finally released from her clutches, and was able to slip away.
My Mace lives behind my bedroom door, which is propped open perpetually so that it’s not too dark for the little two when they sleep. We share a room. Anyway, my weights on the other hand, are racked beside my bed, and I didn’t want to risk waking her up again with the clanking of the plates while I prepped to workout. So I grabbed my clothes and my mace from behind the door and got away.
The third day of Mace is meant to be a recovery or basics only day. The last two days of mace training have been 15 min AMRAP of only two moves. I’m not going to lie, the last two days have felt a bit too… boring. Two moves for 15 minutes is rough. Not only are your limbs exhausted halfway through, but it’s monotonous, not having any kind of active rest or break up move in between them. Maybe I’m spoiled by Sam’s variety in her program, but the lack of it in the Beginner Mace program we purchased is slowly killing the buzz for me.
So I changed it.
Nothing drastic or crazy, still very beginner moves. But more than two, and with some Midline rotation added in there, to make it more interesting, and more of a total body workout. I worked in segments, 1 min on, 20 sec rest, repeat. I did all 4 moves that we learned over the last 2 days, squats, step back lunges, flag press and overhead press, and a lunge stance rotation that I’ve seen in multiple other beginner mace workouts. I ran this circuit twice, and was a sweaty wreck at the end of it. My whole body definitely got worked, and it was more entertaining than only doing two moves. I challenged my endurance and my form, my core, my arms, my legs, my shoulders, my quads and glutes. I will probably be questioning this decision later, because I am pretty gods damned sore right now… but I feel badass right now, so I’m going to stick with the “we did this because we’re a warrior” attitude I currently have.

The fact that I’m happily sharing this photo of me in my sports bra, is a true testament to how much progress I’ve made in loving my body on this journey. Stretchmarks, mom pooch, side roll, thick arms. I don’t care anymore. I’m working on myself every single day, choosing myself every single day, and I’ve grown so much confidence and strength and conviction in what I’m doing that none of my old insecurities come up anymore. I’m still self conscious about my boobs and if I have a muffin top over my jeans, but those days when those things bother me are farther and fewer every single day. I’m so proud of me.
I do still intend on doing my Valkyrie Squad workout today, it just will have to happen after lunch, because I couldn’t make it happen this morning without waking up sleeping beauty. Hopefully my arms are still attached to my body afterwards.
I don’t know what the weather has in store for us later today, but it’s only 30 degrees right now, so I’m going to assume it will be chilly. I might try to venture out on a walk with Yrsa if it warms up and my legs haven’t fallen off. We’ll see though.