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Valkyrie Homework

Mia Garlock

Oh, you know. Just casually going over the schedule and sweating just thinking about it.

Valkyrie Squad is split into 3 units of training, as per the book; Novice, Blade, and Valkyrie. Sam has each section covering 30 days, or a Month, however you don’t have to follow the program that way- for example if I feel like I need to do Novice twice before moving onto Blade- I can do that (and I might!) In Valkyrie Squad we are free to move at our own pace within the program, encouraged to do so, so we don’t hurt ourselves.

I just copied the Novice schedule into my planner, and I can’t tell if it’s the general hot humid temperature here today, or if it’s my body reacting to what I just wrote down. This is going to be intense. This is going to ROCK. I’m so excited.

I am waiting for Monday to begin, since that is the officially official launch day for the program. I’m mostly spending this weekend getting organized and studying the Valkyrie Squad schedule, Mindstilling audios, staying hydrated and stretching a lot. Tomorrow will be another active rest day for me, so I can be fully rested and limbered up for Monday morning.

I was reviewing the month of August and the goals I made when I started this blog and this journey… I’ve met all my goals this month. I stuck with a workout routine, even exceeding my goal of working out 4 days a week, I’ve been doing 5 or 6. I’ve consistently eaten 3 meals a day instead of skipping breakfast and barely eating for lunch. I’ve made water my #1 choice drink, and cut back on sugar. I had a lot of little but hard goals this month and I met each one and crushed them.

I also have more stickers on the way! I love the sheet I got initially, but they’re paper stickers, not vinyl, and of course my water bottle got wet and now the ones I put on, are ruined. Etsy to the rescue! I’ll show off the 3 new ones I bought when they arrive.

I feel like Im buzzing around like a bee, I cannot sit still today. I almost wish I was in the House of Wind so I had those blasted steps to run up and down just to get rid of this energy. I don’t want a weekend of rest days, I want to do the things! The Badass Valkyrie things! Though I guess, if you’re Nesta, Emerie, or Gwyn, that means trading smut, and snacks, and friendship bracelets.


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