Valkyrie Day 11: Functional Movement
I woke up this morning to a kinked neck and a sore shoulder, I wish someone had warned me in my youth that being 34 means going to sleep and waking up injured. Not really injured, but definitely not “right as rain,” either. Hopefully some warming up and activating of those muscles will help reduce the ache later.

Photo by Kindel Media on
We did Functional Movement last week, and it was easily one of my favorite work out days. I found myself loving the weight and the moves and the small little muscles that I could feel during the workout itself, and afterwards. I had no idea how many muscle groups are used to do basic movement, but trust me when I tell you, the awareness is very much there while moving around.
I am one of those people who love to learn and explore things fully, so getting back into active life and working out is like learning about my body all over again. You’d think there’s nothing new to learn after thirty plus years alive, and yet after 3 kids, my body is very nearly a stranger. So all the soreness, all the tiny muscle activation alongside big muscle work, has me learning about form correction, about muscle articulation, healing, injury prevention, mobility; all these things feel new and applying them to this body is like studying a new hobby. I’m really loving how Valkyrie Squad is hitting all the points for me: Geekified workouts themed around my book obsession, feeling strong, learning new things, nourishing my body with tasty food, talking to other women about my favorite book, about new books, and about these workouts, being part of a community of real, wholesome support. I’m loving all of it.
The Workout:
We need a set of 3-5lb weight for these moves today. I’m using 5lbs, I liked the burn and the struggle last week.
We started last week with Low Lunges to warm up, and we are doing it again today. I got my blocks out for this one because my hips feel a little funky today and my hamstrings are still quite tight.
We stretched our obliques with a Forward Fold Wing Stretch.
My ribs are so tight! I’m always really surprised when we do twist-opener moves like this.
We moved along to Sword Chops-like you have a giant Long Sword in your hands,
Side Lunge, Knee Drive, to Press. This is a combo move that will hit all those sore spots. May the odds ever be in your favor.
Bridge Press– I grabbed a yoga block for these to support my hips and low back, if pelvic tilt isn’t your struggle then you can skip the block.
I was shaking pretty badly after these, so make sure you mind your breath.
“Someone remind me why this was a good idea?” Gwyn panted beside Nesta, sweat running along her face… page 312, A Court of Silver Flames
Rolling Side Planks– enough said.
Blessed Relief, we moved into Child’s Pose for a few breaths after this, and pulled our upper body and arms to each side to stretch the obliques too. I detest side planks, not because they suck but because my muscles never get used to them. I suppose I should love them for how hard they are, but I don’t.
Shaking, sweating, and actively sore. I love it. I’m going to keep true to my walk increase and do 6 laps instead of 4, making our walk a mile and a half. I discovered that if I do those 6 laps, I actually reach 6k steps for the day. I want the endurance to build gradually like the workouts do, so I can keep up.

Misty as the Bog of Oorid
Walking today was as foggy as the Bog of Oorid, there was mist in my hair when I finished my 6 laps. Yrsa was a turd and quit on me at lap 3, its garbage day and she’s terrified of the garbage truck, so I had to do the last 3 alone.
I’m gonna round out the day with some Valkyrie Yoga after I get the kids going for the day. I can tell that I need it.
Emerie came to each lesson, and while Gwyn had mostly caught up to Nesta’s progress, Emerie would need more work. So Nesta and Gwyn partnered with each other, going through the sets of exercises that Cassian showed them before he worked One-on-one with Emerie on her balance and mobility. Page 312, A Court of Silver Flame
I spoke to my husband more about the program yesterday, and that I was debating if I wanted to do Novice twice before moving onto Blade, because I feel like I need a lot of the mobility work and foundational strength building that Novice has. But I’m torn, because I know Blade has a ton of self defense work, which I like to call Rage Work, because there’s nothing like shadow boxing out your anger; and I simply live for workouts that drain me of all the emotions and sweat. I briefly took kick boxing years ago, and I LOVED the sheer exhaustion and empty sensation after boxing it out with a bag or pads. With body awareness in mind though, I really do think I should do Novice again to really get that base muscle strong, so I don’t injure myself moving too quickly. “Pace yourself,” said the Bearded One. Like a rude teenager, I just want to roll my eyes…. but I know he’s right.