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Valkyrie Day 10: Stretch and Breathe

Mia Garlock

A​hhhh the glorious rest day. I was so tired yesterday and it was a struggle to get myself motivated for working out. I did it anyway, because I knew today was a day for stretching and Mindstilling, and it helped me focus on the work.

Y​esterday’s body weight exercises are definitely being felt today, that's for sure. I told you, Sam’s style is to creep in with the killer moves, you can’t really tell how sore you’ll be until later that night, or the next morning. She is an actual Ninja. Last night at around 7pm, I stood up from where I was on the couch with the kids, and I swear every muscle in my body was in protest. I​ took a hot as possible shower last night to try and cook the soreness out, but I think all I really did was end up making myself look like an oversized lobster.


B​y 8pm last night I glanced at my watch and discovered that I had reached 5.8k steps! My legs were also wobbly and achy at 8pm, but I was proud of how active I’d been all day despite my tiredness, and glad that I pushed through even though I didn’t want to work out at first.

I slept in for a while today, which was fabulous. I actually woke up to one of my little kids going “shhhh! Mommy still sleepin!” they’re so sweet to me. I got up and we made banana muffins together, which they’re now happily munching on as I work.

E​very day that I make time for Mindstilling, my intrusive thoughts are less. I no longer spend the day fighting down the loud thoughts in my head, telling me that I’m not good enough, that I don’t deserve better, I don’t deserve the dreams that I yearn for, that I’m a terrible mother, a terrible wife. Those thoughts and more slip through my mind more than occasionally, depression is a real, sticky, vile, cruel beast, that sinks its teeth and its claws into your mind with a vice strength that is nearly impossible to get out of. And yet… lately, it seems to be asleep, or on vacation, because I’m not fighting the onslaught of those thoughts all day anymore.

Today’s stretches were so beautiful, I did them twice. I got out my beautiful Night Court yoga blocks, and threw myself deep into my stretches. We started out with some deep breathing to get centered and focused, and leaned into some seated twists- my obliques were so tight from those push ups and planks yesterday, these twists felt so good!

Y​rsa is glaring at me because our schedule is several hours behind at this point, so I should probably get moving. Even though it’s technically a resting, stretching day, we’re still shooting for a mile and a half walk. I told Sam yesterday that I’m boosting my endurance this week so that I don’t die when we move onto Blade- the second portion of training. I’m still debating on if I want to do Novice a second round or if I want to move into Blade and do that one twice. At this point, I’m considering doing all 3 segments twice. I’ll check back in on that when we reach the end of Novice.


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