Utterly, Pooped
Yes. Today calls for a 3rd blog post. Because I am that flabbergasted.
This mornings workout was Novice, Day 1 of Valkyrie Squad. And it kicked my ass so thoroughly, I required a 2 hour nap to recover. I’m on my third cup of tea today and I’m praying to the Mother that I make it past dinner so I can handle bedtime for the kids.
I never much thought about it, but you abdominals, particularly those deep, inner abdominals, do a lot of damn work just for a human to function. Our abs hold us upright, allow us to sit, stand, walk, pick things up, climb stairs, carry heavy objects, breathe, and digest our food.

And I spent the morning working them like I have not before, and so I am pooped. Utterly spent, and even after my nap, still tired enough to want to lay around.
All this to say, that I’ve spent my labor day lounging like a lazy Lion, drinking hot tea and reading. I’m stoked for tomorrow’s workout, but I’m going to watch the videos first before I dive in… unlike today.