TURKEY DAY & Planksgiving!
In about an hour, Planksgiving starts! We have a 45 minute group workout online to help us decompress the Turkey Day Stress. Haha, that rhymed.
Oh boy do I need the stress relief today too. I’m feeling kind of crummy still, cramping and bloated, but I’m so annoyed already I feel like I should give it a shot at least. Even if I just laugh and fall over the mat, I feel like that would be better than stewing in my frustration. At 5:50am this morning, my husbands aunt began cleaning the kitchen… I don’t know why she thought this was a good idea, but we all woke up grumpy from the noise she was making so early.
Sleep disturbance coupled with being surrounded by people I don’t get along with and the stress of all this food, I’m OVER IT and it hasn’t even begun. I also don’t get to go to my bestie’s house to do Planksgiving together, which is also super annoying, so I’m stuck trying to do it in the living room. Mindstilling is qued up and ready to press play at a moments notice. I am prepared!
I’m still in my pajamas, so I’m off to get dressed and ready for Planksgiving.