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Todays Workout

Mia Garlock

In order to keep myself more accountable, I'm reverting back to my old routine of blogging as soon as I'm done with my workout.

As I sit, I sweat and I'm honestly making so many typos because my arms are shaking so badly typing is another challenge. But I digress, I need to blog more here and share my workouts, for me and for whoever is reading this.

My 5 year old was my guest teacher today, and she led the warm up as follows:

Standing Wiggles: shake everything on you Mama, make it move!

Triangle Pose: feet wide, toes forward, lean over your right hip and reaching for your ankle on that side with one hand and the sky with the other. Get that side stretch.

Other Side, but only until you fall over giggling.

Downward Dog, and shake ya booty to loosen up!

Table top, cat cow, and thread the needle next.

And then we boogied on outside because it was only 63 degrees and breezy.

My workout partner promptly abandoned me for the swing set, so I grabbed my weights and headphones.

I've struggled with BSS, Bulgarian Split Squats, because of the pressure on the tops of my feet. When I feel it my nerves light up with tingles and fire and it's intolerable as a person with sensory issues to start with. BUT! I found a spot on the porch steps that I can manage without it pressing so hard into the top of my foot.

So I decided to start today's workout with the hardest move: the Bulgarian Split Squat.

I started on the right leg with 45lbs and did 10 reps. Deloaded to 40lbs, 8 reps. Down to 35lbs, 6 reps.

And then I did the other leg!

And I was sweating into my eyeballs and my legs were shaking after the first set, let alone the 2 that I followed it with.

Of course I wasn't done either though.

Next I did standing marches with an overhead of 35lbs and 1lb on each ankle. I marched for 4 minutes.

At this point my lower body was shaking with an intensity that typically requires batteries or a dedicated partner to achieve. So I decided it was time for some upper body work.

Reverse flies with 5lbs in each hand, followed by 10lb serves, and skull crushers.

And then 25lb halos to round it off.


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