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The Butt-Crack of Dawn

Mia Garlock

Photo by Henry & Co. on

The last three weeks have really shown me what works best for me in terms of routine and work out schedule. I am not super big on mornings, I am almost never enthusiastic about waking up before the Sun, much preferring the night owl schedule and staying up too late with my nose in a book or working on an art project.

And yet… when I sleep in later, I find it near impossible for me to find the motivation to work out. Or really, to even be in a good mood. When I sleep in and delay my workout, I am a grumpy jerk! I thought sleeping in would make me feel better, make me feel more rested and relaxed, and happy. While the well rested bit may be true, I am most definitely a rude butthead with a bad attitude when I sleep in and postpone my workout.

Photo by Jaymantri on

So here I am, up before the Sun, when the sky is barely a whisper above gray, ready to work out and sweat and push myself to be my best. There’s something magical in the act of being the first one up, in surrounding myself in the quiet that usually only belongs to the birds and other beasts who wake in the pre dawn light. Like I have one up on the day already, and even if the rest of the day is full of an array of other challenges, I feel like I can handle them all with a more level head. There is definitely something to be said for early morning endorphins.

I think that my absolute favorite part though is that my youngest daughter usually finds me one set before I finish my routine, and she sits patiently waiting for me, watching me work out until I collapse on the mat, a sweaty, heaving mess, with a smile on my face. The pride I see on her little face and the giant grin that fills her cheeks when she sees me working hard on myself is another kind of magic that finds me every day and I love that she’s the first of the kids to wake up, and she wants to spend it watching me train. I hadn’t realized I had my very own cheerleader until she made it her own routine to get up and watch me finish my workout every morning.

Here’s to the Early Bird, and the lesson I didn’t know I needed; get up and get at it.

Photo by Neal Smith on


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