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Squad Day 99: Back to Boxing

Mia Garlock

My excitement, joy, and pride over my progress and all the wins I’ve felt this week had me peppy and energetic all day yesterday. But of course that couldn’t last forever, and at around 6:30pm last night, belly full from dinner, I came crashing down off my energy high and was ready to cozy up and go to bed. I could barely keep my eyes open! I had to splash cold water on my face to make it to bedtime for the kids at least, so that I could take myself to bed right after. I was tucked in tight at 10pm, and I don’t remember anything beyond that because I was out.

I’m well rested, though admittedly I wasn’t entirely ready to climb out of the warmth of my bed. It’s okay, I have my tea, and Mindstilling. I’m ready to go. Today’s workout is back to Boxing Bootcamp, and I’ve mentioned how much I absolutely love these ones, so I’m excited to go get that power boost and keep going with this awesome energy and feelings I’ve had all week. I think Blade week 2 might be my favorite in the program so far, between the empowering workouts and the progress I’ve noticed and success I’ve felt, how could I not?

I also can’t help but keep repeating this thought in my head:

I’ll be ready for Valkyrie with the New Year

To think that a few months ago when I started this, I was feeling so weak, I had so much pain, I was loving Novice but was still feeling discouraged on and off because of pain, or inability to complete a move. Now I’m in my repeat of Blade, and all I have is success to talk about, and progress to witness and experience. This is giving me so much hope for 2023. So much joy at the end of this year, when last year this time all I could think was “another year, great.” Today, I’m like “YES! Another year, and it’s going to be fantastic!” The changes this program has brought for me are dream like, except it’s the realest dream I’ve ever been in, I can reach out and touch it.

I hit the mat with gusto, because obviously I’m excited about all my progress, and the boxing bootcamp workout. And just like yesterday, all my boxing combinations were so smooth, fast, and hard hitting. If I were a punching bag, I’d be sore and bruised. And, to add to my growing list of wins this week, I have not hit myself during any of the elbow drives I’ve done. I did all the plank variations from the top, no dropping the knees. For some of the core moves we did with the weight, I felt like I could’ve gone up in weight, because I didn’t feel any strain or burn in my muscles, just active function that felt easy. My weight set goes right to 15 from 10lbs though and I don’t know if I’m ready for a full additional 5lbs, so I might have to see if I can find a 12lb somewhere that I can use for the moves that feel too easy with the 10s.

It’s supposed to be a mix of rain and snow today, and currently the wind is howling in the eaves of the house, so I’m too sure about a walk with Yrsa today. We’ll see if we can make it happen, but I have my doubts.

I’m going to spend the rest of my day reviewing and studying the first portion of my course work and prepping for the quiz, which I will take tomorrow. I’m feeling really confident about it and zero pressure, week one of studies felt like a lot of common sense stuff to me, but I’m familiar with a lot of health related information also, so maybe that’s why. Or maybe I’m just good at this stuff. It’s only week one, and maybe that’s arrogant to say right now at the beginning, but I feel like this is a calling, and the confidence is a new thing for me, I’ve never felt this way about anything. So I’m taking it and running, sprinting, for the dream on the other side.


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