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Squad day 92: Alert and Ready for Boxing

Mia Garlock

Is it just me or has this week just flown by? I can’t believe it’s Thursday already, I’m a little weirded out.

I woke up at around 4:30am this morning, just wide awake. Somehow I knew that the alarm would be going off soon, and without even looking at my phone I began to stretch while I was in bed. My abs and obliques are so sore today, between core reset and the 3 round circuit we did yesterday. My glutes and hamstrings are also quite achy, and I really should’ve gotten into that magnesium lotion last night before bed. I was exhausted though, I stayed up until 10:30pm, looking at the moon. It was the last full moon of 2022 and it felt important to see it, feel it overhead, and reflect on this last year.

Photo by Joonas ku00e4u00e4riu00e4inen on

So much of my life has changed this year, and so many pieces of it I feel like I can’t remember, or my brain doesn’t want me to. We lost our restaurant from the pandemic and spent this year still figuring out how to recover. We moved into a family member’s house, butchered way too many pigs from the pasture, fed our own family and a few others, Suffered through and began to heal depression, grief, and rage that so many things could go so sideways, despite the best efforts and planning. Became absolutely obsessed with my first book series since Harry Potter and basically made it my entire life; found a fitness program I love that is themed around those books, and picked up the pieces of myself and began to rebuild. It’s been 4-5 months of the rebuilding part, and I don’t even recognize pictures of myself from before then. I lost my facebook account to a hacker, and lost track of so many people I used to call my friends. People who never tried to find any other way to contact me. I never really felt like an adult until this year, and maybe that because all the adults I knew as a kid were struggling, but this year it really hit me, that I’m in my adultiest time and holy shit, I have some work to do.

But I was in bed before 11pm, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and braided my hair and off to bed I went, to fall into a deep undisturbed sleep. I don’t even think I dreamed anything. I woke up ready though, ready to get going on the rest of the rebuilding.

Today is boxing drills. I came up with the theory last night that Sam likes to wedge these boxing days in between those super hard intense workouts, because then we look forward to the repetitious boxing drills (I do anyway) as our breaks from dying on the mat with those intense workouts. She did not deny this, so I’m assuming it’s all part of her plan. I honestly Love the boxing drills though, I always finish them feeling empowered and strong, energetic, and… well starving, honestly, those drills make me so freakin hungry it’s just this side of scary. I’m glad today is grocery day.

I think, my best friend is coming to visit today? I don’t know, Thursday is our usual day, but sometimes we skip around. I guess I’ll find out in a little bit if she’s coming today or tomorrow. She gets to be my guinea pig for my Eat Like a Valkyrie recipes, she’s the real one who made me feel like I could and should be sharing them. So I feed her and we chatter like a couple chickens with a worm, and make our grand plans, day dream, goof off, and hang out. She’s the real one, the friend who lifts me up, puts me in my place, and wakes me up when I’m being dumb. I hope she visits today, I’ve got to talk her ear off.

I’ll walk Yrsa when the sun is up. For right now, my arms are dead from those drills and my stomach is eating a hole in itself. I need breakfast.


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