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Squad Day 9: Push Through

Mia Garlock

​Noooooooooooo” I whined and groaned my way out of bed today when the alarm went off. I’m the kind of tired that comes with sleep deprivation, except that I slept hard last night. Gee, thanks, hormones.

Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush on

I​ wanted so very badly to go back to bed this morning. I was halfway back across the house when I changed my mind and went back to the laundry room for my workout clothes. Today is just 20 minutes of body weight moves, I say just, like it’s gonna be easy- but I feel like I know Sam’s style pretty well at this point and I know she’s gonna make me regret even thinking that. Even the workouts that feel easy while I’m doing them, I always end up feeling a couple hours later, and definitely the next day. Tomorrow is Stretching and Mindstilling, so it WILL be easier, I just gotta push through today.

I have an app on my phone called Moonly, which tells you lunar phases, positive affirmations, there’s guided meditations and sound baths, and all kinds of wonderful tidbits that I get into to help keep my thoughts healthy and always learning something new. I peeked on today’s affirmation and it couldn’t have been more fitting, it was exactly the phrase I needed to get dressed and ready to work out.

R​eady, Set, Go!

T​he Equipment deets for this workout told me to grab my mat and make sure there was an elevated surface nearby- which translates to “you’re doing push ups of some kind today.” Insert more groaning here.

W​e started with some shoulder stretches to open up our chest and shoulders and warm up our rotations. Get those wings open wide and limbered up, probably for all the push ups.

We did everything from Wyrm Walk outs to Bridges and Nesta's Lunges and of course push ups in between. It was Hel, but I loved it.

N​ext we did some deep low lunges with arm extensions over head to stretch it out, and some standing hug-forward fold things. I don’t know what to call them.

I​ finished with a new Mindstilling Audio called “Don’t Let the Hard Days Win,” which was so smooth and soothing, and the deep breaths made my body wake up even more. I’m glad I pushed through and worked out today, because now that I’m done and I’ve done my deep breathing, I literally feel awake, alive, and energized for the day.

I​t’s only 7 and our walk is a little early at this point, but I’m going for it now while it’s still barely dawn. There’s something to be said for cold morning air and getting moving before the Sun is fully up. The Wolf wakes up early, right? Time to go. I’m shooting for 6 laps today, trying to up that endurance if I’m going to keep working out, outside. It’s barely 53 degrees out this morning, so I gotta keep my blood pumping.

We did it! 1.5 Miles.


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