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Squad Day 85: Yoga & Mindstilling

Mia Garlock

I was so exhausted by the end of the day yesterday, at 7pm I could no longer keep my eyes open, I was passing out on the couch. I woke up to my crossed legs falling apart and my foot hitting the ground hard, and I got up and laid down in bed from 7:30pm- 8:30pm, when I forced myself up so I could tidy up a little and get the kids ready for bed. By the time they were tucked in, teeth brushed and in their soft jammies, my eyes felt like they were full of sand, burning with exhaustion. So I filled up my water bottle, brushed my own teeth, and went to bed, at 9:30pm.

I must have really needed the rest, I slept soundly, like a rock deep under ground, undisturbed and didn’t wake up once. At 7am my body decided it was time to get up, and my bladder couldn’t agree more. I got up and stretched, drank some water, and got myself dressed for Yoga and Mindstilling in my living room. Winter Mindstilling is still my favorite, I haven’t wanted to switch it up much. There is a new Mindstilling Audio out now though, Spring Court Mindstilling. I’m not ready to move on from Winter Mindstilling yet, so I’m going to wait.

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on

Valkyrie Yoga 2, my long time favorite, was exactly what I needed it to be today. I spent extra time in each pose, breathing through everything and making sure that I reached the absolute bottom of each pose, as deep as I could. My hips are aching this morning and so is my low back. When I finished up yoga, I did core reset, because it always resets my hips and back when they’re hurting me. I also didn’t do it at all yesterday, so I know that this ache is from the inflammation from my cycle reappearing, and my muscles just not holding me properly as a result. Core Reset is my new love, and I feel guilty for not doing it at all last month. I should never have stopped doing it during the first round of Blade. Even though it makes me even more sore, I could be so much further ahead in my rehab if I had kept up with it.

Live and learn, core reset is my new friend for life. Just like I’ll never stop doing Valkyrie Squad. The Valkyrie Dream feels tangible, so close to reality that I could reach out and touch it. My sisters and I are always discussing it, and last night my husband even joined in an showed me the most defensible building style for a castle/keep situation. Like…. is this real life? I have almost a thousand Valkyrie Sisters, and half of them are in the discord dreaming right along with me. Who would’ve ever thought that we would run with it like this?

Whenever it stops raining, I’ll take Yrsa outside for a walk. It’s wet and windy and kinda gross outside today, and the kids have cabin fever like nobody’s business. They’re running around the house screaming like a group of banshees right now, providing me with a fantastic headache. I told them we were going to start decorating the house for Winter Solstice today and they’re over the top right now with excitement. I probably should have waited until I had a full cup of tea before I let that idea slip.


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