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Squad Day 64: Rearranging My Day

Mia Garlock

Today is the final day of Blade Week 3, and I’m a bit of a mess. Mostly just mental overload and having mini panic attacks, but I’ll be okay once Lunch Time is over. Today is Recipe Drop Day for my new Subscription offer, and I’ve spent the last 3 hours going over every little detail and ironing out all the wrinkles to try and get it perfect, or as close to it as I can get.

In my head there are never snafus to deal with during any project I take on, but Reality laughs and gives me all the snafus. I’ve had to completely start over in a few areas and of course the “quick fixes,” are never that quick and I end up spending hours on it- like this morning. The few things that I had in mind to work on and finalize really quickly turned into 100 things, and the bubble of anxiety in chest just grows and grows. Mindstilling and a walk were a necessity.

Given that my task list grew so exponentially, I knew I’d have to rearrange the order in which I do things. So after two and a half hours of editing and rearranging and deleting and writing and editing some more, I felt myself getting frustrated and decided to cool off with a walk. Yrsa needed to go out anyway and I figured if we got that out of the way, I can always take 20 minutes later this afternoon to work out, but I needed to get away from my work for a few to organize my brain. I pressed play on Walking Down the Sidra Mindstilling and just breathed and breathed. We made it 4 laps and came back home so I could get back to work.

When I walked in the door, the kids were all up and it was time for Breakfast, so I got that going for them and fixed myself a fresh cup of tea, and pressed play on another Mindstilling audio.

Back to the Grindstone…

The Subscription Content Page is going to be called Eat Like a Valkyrie, and it will be at the top of the Home Page. Every week on Friday, new recipe content will be posted for Members, Dated and with a Brief Description of what’s on the menu. Subscribers will also receive an email whenever new content is posted, so you’ll always have multiple paths to access Member Content.

At the end of each month, a separate post will be made announcing the winner of that Month’s Giveaway offer. That way everything is located in one spot, easy to access, easy to find.

Setting this up has been a challenge.

But still something I’ve found so much reward in, so much joy in creating, and something I’ve been excited about for a long time. Food is a passion, a love language, and I’m so sick and tired of toxic diet culture telling us how to be, creating trends out of body shapes, and dismissing the requirement of food to live. We are Human Beings, Mammals, and we need food. We should not be shamed for fulfilling a basic human necessity. And with all the crap they shove in pretty, colorful boxes on the shelves, no one even knows how to nourish their bodies anymore either. Advertising has made it seem like cooking is so hard to do, and if it’s not in your wheelhouse that’s fine, but I promise you, cooking a roast isn’t that hard, making an absolutely BOMB soup doesn’t require Einstein’s IQ level, and salad’s do not have to be boring or only contain lettuce. You can eat real food, even desserts, and not feel restricted or starved, or shamed for it.

Food should Feel Good. Nourishing Your Body, Should Feel Good.

Anyway, I have a lot more editing to do before the Recipe Drop at 11:30a EST, and I fully plan on getting my workout done as soon as they’re posted. I’m going to sit here with Mindstilling Audio’s on Shuffle and breathe my way through all of it.

Toodle Ooo For now!


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