Squad Day 5: Core Focus & Valkyrie Yoga
Halfway through the day yesterday, I began to really feel the extra set I did with the heavier weights and bands. This morning I feel perfectly ready to take on Day 5 of Valkyrie Squad.
Today’s focus is Core Work, and we were warned last night by Sam to really watch our engagement during the warm up so we don’t hurt our backs. I so appreciate all the extra effort she puts in for us in training, it’s so obvious that she loves her job with all the care she puts into her clients.
I did Valkyrie 2 Yoga before I began my workout. I like Valkyrie 1 Yoga as a reset on my rest days for its restorative moves, I wanted a little more challenge again today, so I changed it to Valkyrie 2 Yoga. It was exactly what I wanted, I was warm, limbered up, and my core was ready.
Once we got the warm up going I could really feel my core starting to burn. Warm up consisted of Trove Swimming and the variations of it, as well as some Wing Stretches, and Illyrian Twists, to get our obliques, chest and shoulders warmed up and ready to work.

Photo by Vijay R on Pexels.com
I’ve continued to focus on keeping my core actively engaged to correct my posture and the pelvic tilt I’m dealing with, so my abs are almost always a little sore. Between all the core and balance work Sam has had us doing in Valkyrie Squad, the work I was doing before Squad launched, and the near constant core engagement in my posture correction, I’ve started noticing a BIG difference in my mom-pooch. As in, it’s gotten noticeably smaller, my pants fit differently, my low belly isn’t so round anymore. It’s the best affirmation I can have to get on the mat every day.
After the warm up that felt like a workout, we moved into the actual work. I always laugh when Sam says “Ok, now for the real workout.” As if I’m not already sweating.
We finished with some stretching to release some of that tension in the muscles that we built up. I was on fire from my ribs to my hips and I know I’ll be feeling this more and more as the day progresses. Core work is funny to me, because yes I feel it while I’m doing it, but I’m almost never super sore right away, it always creeps up on me, and by about 11:30 I can tell that I worked them hard. At around 3pm I need a nap, and by dinner time I’m whining to my husband about how it hurts to be upright.
Yrsa and I carried on to walk our 4 laps around the neighborhood, which is a mile. And as usual, she complained as we rounded each lap and got close to the house. She acts like she wasn’t made for chasing sheep, running miles all day long. As if she doesn’t spend 88% of the rest of the day barking at me and making all kinds of racket for more walks and attention. She’s ridiculous.
Sam also added a Foot Mobility routine to the Bonus Videos in Valkyrie Squad, and I’m planning on taking some time to do those later after I’ve fed and clothed my offspring for the day.