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Squad day 29: Novice 2.0

Mia Garlock

After I created a rough draft of my 2nd round of Novice, I sent it to Sam to double check that I wasn’t trying to do too much. One of the key factors of Valkyrie Squad is that all the workouts are 15-30 minutes long for sustainability, meaning they’re kept relatively short so they’re manageable and not so intense that you’re dying right away. Since this is my repeat month, I feel like I could add 15 minutes and be fine, but I wanted to touch base with the Boss Lady to make sure I wasn’t biting off more than I could chew.

I decided while I was reviewing the schedule that I am going to do the entire 4 weeks of Novice again, but with the addition of Core Reset, Hip Mobility, and Shoulder Mobility. Next week, as I progress further into Novice, I’ll add in some things from Blade; Footwork, Knee and Kick form, and some Boxing and Kickboxing drills, to keep the intensity up and also work a little bit on the key points for the next phase of training. This way, I’m still focusing on that core strength and hip mobility, but I’m also still advancing little by little. I wont get bored, or feel behind because I’m still being challenged.

Novice 2.0 Schedule

I’m also maintaining that 5 day week, so no rest days on Wednesdays. Some weekends I am breaking up the 2 days of rest, but that’s on a “how I’m feeling basis,” because I might be that sore or tired. I’m not trying to burn myself out, but I recognize that those 2 day long resting weekends make me feel kind of antsy and restless because I want to keep working. I’ve only filled that time with some brief mobility or Valkyrie Yoga, so nothing too intense.

I just keep reminding myself that this is my Emerie stage, I’m strong and willing to fight, but I need some foundational improvement before I can be a badass Valkyrie. I kept this in mind as I tuned into Morning Mindstilling and trained my breath to relax my mind, empty my head of any chatter about having to repeat Novice. The self sabotage is a real struggle, and it all starts with that chaotic static in my head telling me I’m weak.

It really got cold last night, so I had to bundle up a bit. It was only 36°F when I stepped onto the porch.

Yes, I worked out with leg warmers and my slippers on this morning. It was cold.

Once I felt settled in my thoughts and determined to Climb the Mountain, I hit the mat with my blocks for Hip Mobility.

I had forgotten how intense even this can be. We got to the Leg circles and my hips were set in a slow burn. Prone Windshield Wiper Knees provided some relief, but I also had to focus on keeping my low back pressed into the floor because my hips wanted to pull me off the ground. The next move was a Shin Box Lean, which felt easier than it should have, and I’m still not sure if I did those right. Those turned into a Shin Box to hip Thrust, and I felt those wrap around my hips and glutes with a quickness I did not anticipate. My new routine is already challenging me and I’m only 10 minutes in.

Mildly sweaty, I moved into 20 minutes of Core. I remember doing this workout the first time and thinking that it wasn’t too hard- and the next day struggling to sit up in bed from how sore I was. I couldn’t help but smile to myself, because this time around I know what true core engagement feels like, and I know I can do this better.

I won’t recap every move, because I’ve done that once already on Sept 5th when I started Squad. I will say however, that I can tell a big difference in my body from then until now. I can do a lot more of these moves without struggle, my form has improved a ton, and I can feel and achieve real core engagement now. I did this workout with 110% more efficiency than the first time I did it, and I actively broke a sweat this time. I smiled and laughed at myself during a core workout, because feeling more capable during the workout itself was such a confidence boost. I know I still need it, so I’m not going to switch gears or move onto Blade, but knowing that I’m more capable than I was a month ago and seeing it for myself in my own actions was the boost I needed to be able to get through my FOMO and complete Novice 2.0. I’m not being left behind, I’m not stepping back. I’m honoring my body and it’s needs, and I’m zeroing in on my weak areas and bringing my inner Valkyrie to life.

Blame the Leo in me or the instant gratification of our modern world, but I decided that I needed a reward gift at the end of Novice 2.0 so I can feel better about the repeat. While I know and understand that I need the work, and the confidence boost of doing Day 1 really well helped a ton, I’m still a little chaffed about it. I want to do the really hard stuff, but I’m just not there yet. Anyway, my reward at the end of Novice 2.0 will be to get myself a Valkyrie sports bra from Sam. Yes, this badass woman not only runs her gym and designed this program, but she also has these amazing sports bras that she’s designed from the books, and I’ve been eyeballing them since before Squad even started.

The Sun came up a bit ago, and Yrsa is restless in her crate because we haven’t taken off for our walk yet. I wanted to come inside and warm up for a few minutes first since it’s so chilly out there. I love winter and the cold bite of it on my face, but sometimes I can be a real wuss about the season switch over. I’m determined to keep up walking daily though, and Yrsa is way more manageable when she’s taken her walk in the morning, so off we go.


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