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Squad Day 22- Core Smash

Mia Garlock

I​t’s Day 22 of Valkyrie Squad and the Final Week of Novice. I cannot believe I’ve been part of this program for a month already, it still feels so new.

M​y strength has grown exponentially since I began working out, I’m now the Mom who can actively wrestle with her kids, I’m the Mom who can keep up with their rambunctious energy. I can visibly see the difference in myself, in my posture, in my jawline, around my ribs, and yes even that damn mom-pooch is a bit smaller than it was a month ago. My husbands T-shirts are baggy around my middle for the first time in years, I teared up a bit at that one. I can lift and carry heavy things without struggling. I’m more energetic throughout the day, I don’t often hit a crash in the afternoon unless Sam really kicked my butt that morning. My appetite exists! I used to skip 2 out of 3 meals a day and eat tons of snacks late at night before bed, now I get hangry if I don’t eat 2 breakfasts. I’ve kicked so many bad habits at this point I don’t think I could ever call myself the same person I was a month ago, let alone 2 months ago when I first started working out at all.

I​’m more confident than I’ve been in years. I have this belief in my capability that I haven’t had since I was a teenager. And what’s more, I don’t let my pain stop me from anything anymore. This weekend was rainy and stormy and cold and all those things tend to make my nerve pain flare terribly, and it did. But I didn’t let it stop me from being productive or from being active. That pain would typically have me grumpy and depressed, lolling around the house getting nothing done because it hurts too much. I spent all weekend working in the kitchen and went for a walk yesterday in the rain, I found I could carry my discomfort with me, and it wasn’t terrible. It was inspiring.

N​ow that I’ve gushed enough about how great Valkyrie Squad has made me feel, lets get into our workout. It’s gusting winds outside and freezing, so I moved inside today. I can handle 40 degrees and chilly, but once that wind starts gusting- count me out.

W​arm Up

Warm up really did hit all over, which kind of gave me an idea that while today's focus may be core... all of me will likely be hurting by the end.

T​he Workout

We had seven moves to do through this workout and the last 4 had to be repeated on the alternate side, prolonging the core torture.

We ended in child's pose, the perfect place to catch your Breath. Shed tears of triumph. Give yourself a pat on the a** for getting it done.

W​e finished off today’s Core Smash with some mobility, seated twists to open the chest and shoulders and stretch out those obliques after all the work they did.

I didn’t feel too great about today’s workout. I had a steady ache in my low back during every single side set, more pronounced in those side planks. I also noticed that I really struggle with lining up my hips and knees with those, I want to push my butt behind me. I don’t know if it’s the pelvic tilt I’ve been struggling with correcting, or if it’s tight hip flexors, or if it’s the weather today causing inflammation in my joints and making everything stiff and tight; but I didn’t feel like I accomplished much after my workout today. I’m going to get into some mobility work this afternoon, and see if that helps me out.

I​’m going to put my walk on hold for a few hours and see if the winds die down, because it is really gusting out there today. I’m glad I worked out inside today, as about halfway through the clouds turned on a faucet and it rained hard for a bit. Yrsa of course will need some exercise too, or she will be gnawing on everyone and barking until we give in to her will. So some walking will happen, but I don’t know if it will be a full mile. Michigan winds are brutal regardless of the season, and when they’re wet they cut through you with swift ease. And I’m good without experiencing that today, thanks.

Photo by Brett Sayles on


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