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Squad Day 15: Up the Anti

Mia Garlock

W​e are in Week 3 of Novice! I can’t believe we’ve come this far already.

D​ay 15 is all body weight training, and I’m ready for it after this weekend. I got in about 12k steps this weekend between the orchard and canning apple pie filling, my legs are a little stiff, but I know after we warm up a bit I’ll be ready to do some work.

O​ur warm up was a flow of several moves to wake up the body. We started by tucking our chin with the hands behind the head, and slowly rolling down the body, pulling the belly button into the spine as we roll down the front of our body, until we hit the hips and then hinge into forward fold. Bend the knees, and sit deep into the squat, lift the chest, and then tilt forward, deep squat again, drop the knees to the ground, lift your hips, and press them forward, pushing the hips into that stretch. Move the hands to the heels of the feet, and arch the back, opening the chest. Back into a squat, hands on the floor, move into forward fold, and hands on the back of head, roll back up the body, stretch your arms overhead as you reach the top, and then lean back into it, giving into a full body stretch. Repeat 2 times.

There were some new moves thrown in there today! Scorpion kicks?! What? I was sweating immediately and it must've been exactly what my soul craved because

I​’m loving the uptick in the intensity today!

We got into some Bear Extensions and then stretched it out and ended in child's pose to really get these shoulders stretched out.

I​ am absolutely THRILLED at the intensity today! From the warm up to the bridge series and all the full body work, I KNOW I’m going to be super sore today and I AM HERE FOR IT. I love a workout that kicks my ass without being impossible.

Y​rsa and I completed our 1.5 mile walk with less fussing from her this time, I think she might finally be okay with our additional laps. There’s a trail about a half mile down from where we live that we might check out later this week if the weather isn’t too hot or too stormy. Autumn in Michigan is a little all over the place, cool in the morning, hot in the afternoon, random storms from out of nowhere. The leaves are just beginning to turn on some of the trees in the neighborhood, when they’re in full color it’s so beautiful, I can’t wait.

A​s Novice kicks it up a notch in week 3, with one more week after this before we move into Blade, I’m still contemplating doing Novice a second time. Parts of me are ready for harder workouts and more intense moves, while other parts of me still need a lot of work. I’m sitting here looking at the schedule and wondering if I should move forward with Blade, and pair it with Mobility from the bonus videos to keep working on those and still gaining the intensity that the rest of my body is dying to move into. I still can’t decide. I’m thinking that I’ll get into Blade and either love it right away, or need to back off so I don’t keel over. It could go either way, honestly.


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