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Squad Day 14: Walking, Apples, and Mindstilling

Mia Garlock

We spent about 3 hours at the Orchard yesterday picking apples, tasting a few to see which ones would make the best ever pie and apple sauce. My youngest daughter was in absolute heaven, apples are her favorite snack and she found herself a shady spot and munched away while we scoured trees for the ripest apples. Before we left the Orchard, I had reached 6k steps, plus carrying the 20lb baskets from between the rows to the trail side, where we would wait to be picked up and taken to the register to pay. Needless to say, I got in a decent farmer’s workout yesterday afternoon.

Photo by Elizabeth Tr. Armstrong on

By the time 7pm rolled around, I’d hit 8k steps. My limbs were beyond heavy and exhausted, and I didn’t think I’d make it to the kids bedtime, let alone my own. I was right about the second part at least, I was in bed very early last night, and conked out quick.

On the books today for Squad is 5-6k steps and Mindstilling, and I’m certainly grateful that steps are the only thing I have to worry about. When I woke up this morning I got right into Mindstilling while I waited for my tea to brew and the kids to wake up. Mindstilling offers me a fresh mind, and all that oxygen in my veins wakes me up with an energy that no Red Bull could ever provide. We should advertise, “Mindstilling- the wings Red Bull could never.”

It’s fox mating season here in Michigan, and there’s a Red Fox in the field next door that has been strutting around the house and yard early in the morning and in the evening lately. Yrsa wants to be friends, but I don’t think the Fox has the same feelings. We saw him scooting off this morning when we stepped out onto the porch, and I was immediately thinking of Lucien and his Fox mask, wondering if perhaps it’s an Autumn Fae in disguise. I’m not sure if that’s even a thing in the SJM Universe, I guess I’ll have to wait until 2024 when the next ACOTAR book is supposed to come out, to see if Eris or Lucien have any more of a story to learn about.

Photo by Pixabay on

Yrsa and I promptly got in 3.8k steps in our mile and a half walk, and I have a feeling the rest of my steps will be gotten in the kitchen today as we process these apples into pie filling, apple sauce, and apple butter. I’m sure the Autumn Court would appreciate some of our work today.


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