Skillet Chicken and Veggies
Tonight I needed simple and comforting. My body is sore as can be, I’m tired, and in general feel like I don’t have a desire to make anything complex. I grabbed some ingredients I had in the fridge, and grabbed my biggest, deepest skillet.
4-5 cloves of garlic. Yes, that much.
1 whole yellow onion, medium size, chopped.
1 package of chicken thighs, about 5 thighs.
1 white sweet potato, 1 orange sweet potato, chopped bite size.
1 medium turnip
Half a bag of whole frozen green beans
About 4 tbsp of Avocado oil.
1/2 cup of chicken broth.
4-5 crimini or baby bella mushrooms, sliced.
Salt & Pepper to taste
I am a garlic girl, and I’m not shy of onions either. For me, comfort food has the richness and warmth of garlic on everything. Its heart health and immune boosting benefits just make it a necessary element. If you’re not a Garlic Girl, you can limit the garlic to your preferences. I don’t agree, but everyone’s different.

Garlic is Life
Start by mincing your garlic up fine, like nearly paste, if you have garlic paste, use that. Heat your gigantic skillet over medium-high heat, and add in 2 tbsp of avocado oil. Coat the pan well, add the garlic and half the diced onion. When it becomes fragrant, about 1 minute, remove it from the pan and said it aside for a minute- we don’t want to burn the garlic, as it becomes bitter.
Leave the oil in the pan, and add your chicken. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, we’re seasoning in layers here, and brown both sides of the chicken, cooking it at least 70% of the way through. Remove the chicken from the pan for a minute, then add in your Mushrooms, and brown them in the chicken juices. Once they’re pretty evenly browned, add the potatoes, turnip, the remaining onion, and turn down the heat to medium.
Toss the veggies with the remaining 2 tbsp of Oil while in the pan. Add the chicken back to the pan, and pour the 1/2 cup of chicken broth in as well. Do another round of salt and pepper, put a lid on the pan, and bring it to a simmer. Turn the heat down just a touch, to medium Low, and cook for 15-20 minutes until the veggies are soft, chicken cooked through, and broth absorbed by everything.

Skillet Chicken and Veggies
Dinner was exactly what I wanted and needed it to be. Simple, nutritious, filling, comfort food. I hope we have leftovers, I’ll be having them for breakfast.