Post Turkey Day Flow
Grateful that yesterday went off with minimal stress. I did not get to Planksgiving with everyone yesterday, or visit my bestie. I was bummed out, but had way too much going on at home to make the trip to her house and work out.
I practiced Mindstilling no less than 4 times yesterday, and I was cool as a cucumber throughout the day. I started with audios, but as the day progressed I slipped into just deep breathing practice and reminding myself that I was the rock. I did stop to do some yoga and stretching here and there, and that helped me keep my head clear too.
I haven’t worked out yet this morning either, the turkey coma from last night still had a grip on me and I’m feeling quite lazy. Not to mention, Black Friday always seemed like insanity to me due to the lingering effects of turkey consumption. The consumerist perspective being something grotesque and unsavory to me, I never found the point in being anywhere at 2am to wait in line for the newest something that only the coolest people have for the holidays. That just screams ick to me, so I slept in. I had pumpkin pie for breakfast with my tea, followed by green juice and a hot Kale butternut squash- bacon topped salad for second breakfast a little later. I turned some stuffing into croutons and it was heavenly. I walked Yrsa in the sunshine. I may get into the Planksgiving recording later, depending on how my cramps fair for the day.
The snow is mostly gone and it’s roughly 47 degrees outside. I might just move myself outside to work out since its so warm. If I don’t get into the recording of Planksgiving, I’ll do Motus drills outside. I’m ever so slightly more coordinated from practicing them all week, so I’m loving them right now.
Tomorrow I have a best friend date and we’re going to hit our favorite Cafe for tea, and then wander the thrift store and shops downtown. We always have the greatest luck when we thrift together, finding fantastic things at wallet friendly prices. Her birthday is coming up and I hope I find something for her tomorrow to add to what I’ve already gotten her.
I have some super tasty recipes to release this week, both for the subscription and for the free recipes. One of them is a great recipe for using up those turkey day leftovers, it’s my personal favorite and it never fails to satisfy everyone as well.

And thats all I’ve really got for today. I’m going to tidy up and get the extra chairs back in the shed, putter around the house for a bit and just take care of me and mine. It’s a long weekend for everyone here in the house, and I just want to spend it relaxing.