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Pause & Stretch to Survive

Mia Garlock

There I was, going about my kitchen routine of cleaning up random dishes one last time before dinner, when the ache in my muscles became too much. Not like, suffering immensely, so much as my body was telling me I desperately needed to stretch. I could literally feel my posture collapsing as I stood there at the sink.

So at 4:30p today I got my mat and blocks out again and I went out to the porch for some Valkyrie 1 Yoga, and a few other back and core stretches that I could not get up without doing. The relief was immediate, and my body hummed in gratitude as I twisted and pulled and folded myself all over to stretch all the sorest parts of me.

Suffice to say, that bedtime cannot come soon enough and I will be taking a hot as can be shower as soon as I can. I dont even care if I come out looking like a lobster, I need to cook this soreness out of my body.


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