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Passing Go

Mia Garlock

We've made our way around the Monopoly Board once again, and have begun another Year.

I had a great Holiday with my family this year.

I did not take any pictures.

Which in retrospect does in fact make me a little sad, because the kids were so stoked for this year. We got to really spoil the crap out of them this year and everyone loved all their gifts and all the games and fun times we had.

But, this year was the first year that I felt like I was really in the moment. I was really in the thick of it with every gift that was opened and every smiling happy face. I wasn't organizing who opened what first, or making sure I got pictures of each gift to be able to share with extended family. So while I'm slightly mournful over those pictures I didn't get this year, I'm also feeling really blessed and happy and full myself because I didn't take them.

I'll probably set up a tripod and camera on a timer next year so I can have the best of both worlds.

Highlights of the Season:

Gifting the kids a Nintendo Switch, and watching them duke it out over all my old favorite games, and even a few new ones.

Gifting my Husband some project items he's been asking for, as well as some game cards for his laptop so he felt a bit spoiled, and the guy never gets spoiled. He insists he hates it and would rather spoil everyone else. So it was extra nice to get my Guy more than a few things he asked for.

Making Food for my coworkers, because no one appreciates my cooking the way they do. Literally, I shove things in a crockpot and bring it in and they're all in love with it. And then we spend the day eating and goofing off and having fun at work, which is always a great time.

Receiving my first Olympic Bar and Plates for my Yule Gifts! It's time to play with the big girl weights.

The Big Blizzard we had and nearly snowed me in at work, was cold, and frigid, and a little scary, but it was beautiful outside for three days and everything sparkled.

Realizing that I can easily pull a lot heavier weight than I've ever attempted to do, all because of the foundational strength I've built up over the last 3 years.

It's been a great Holiday Season, and now I'm ready to get back to work. I intentionally placed a lot of my ideas and projects on the back burner for about three weeks so that I could really sink in and enjoy this time of year without rushing through it like I usually do. I wanted to feel rested over the Holidays, not rushed, or manic, or stressed out. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of times that I wanted to scream and rip my hair out or take a sword to someone for their douchery... but I didn't want that to be the focus of my holiday season this year like it is every other year. I think I did good with that goal this time around.

Now. as I slip back into the grind, I'm feeling like I just got off of a vacation instead of like I'm running on fumes. I actually feel prepared for my Goal Getting. Ready for it.

Like I'm on Day 3 of my cycle right now, and I did my first ever Olympic Bar workout and I moved that weight like a well greased machine, baby. 45lbs like it was no-thing. I'm already excited to add more plates.

I'm also on Week 3 with my newest Client, and she's not only hitting all her macros and her protein goal regularly, but she's already dropping lbs and feeling more energetic and in control of her day to day! Fuck yes! I LOVE to see Women Winning!

I'm on Month 2 with my other client, and while we've hit a few snags, she's doing great. Life has been lifey for this client, but she's handling it like a fucking champ and is rolling in and out of all the punches life is throwing at her. I'm hoping that now the Holiday Madness is over, things can slow down for her a bit and she can keep being a badass, just with a bit more time for herself.

I have been recording the Programs I hinted about months ago, it's just taking me a bit of time because I'm balancing a Day Job and Mom Life and Wife Life and Personal Time AND Career Time, and it's a lot. But that's okay, because I'm creating something amazing, and amazing things take time.



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