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Out with a Bang, In with a Fresh Outlook

Mia Garlock

I started this week fully aware of the tension that was gathering around me, but still was optimistic because I had some great interactions and help and really learned a lot of things, about everything. My website design meeting went well and we got a little vulnerable talking about some lingering insecurities that I have and how I feel about letting myself be that vulnerable on my website, to build that authentic relationship with future clients. I have a lot of work to do in the next couple weeks, but I’ve already begun to tackle a lot of them so I’m feeling super positive about it all.

As this week progressed though, that tension kept rearing at me, poised to pull the tab on the grenade. Nobody tells you that your personal growth and healing will wreak havoc in your personal life, and affect your relationships in any way other than beneficial. And I’m not here to announce some crazy change in my marital status or anything, I’m just being as honest as I can without telling you all the details, because I’m minding my own business and keeping it safe. But it should still be said, that your own healing work will trigger those closest to you, and it might not always be rainbows and unicorns. This week, my healing triggered something in my mate and it sent us for a little loop when that grenade finally exploded. I’m a communicator though, it’s what I’m really freaking good at, so we were able to have some really great conversation and come back to center pretty painlessly. But it was stress, and it derailed me for a day.

All of this emotional rollercoaster made it really important to me that I find at least a few hours this weekend to decompress and look after myself. Do the things that made me feel a bit more sane and provide me with the illusion of control. I got up and had tea and breakfast, I went through my skincare routine and lymphatic massage, I did my hair and my makeup, and got dressed in a comfy, casual outfit. I folded and put away all the laundry, and prepped dinner at noon. It’s a rainy day outside, but in a lazy drizzly kind of way, so I have the windows and curtains open in the bedroom to give us some fresh air.

I’ve had a very simple and productive day, where my self care felt normal and not like an extra thing I did because it’s Sunday. It just felt like a good day where I moved freely through my routines and needs and did them all without friction or delay. And we need those days sometimes. I hope for them all the time in the future.

It’s supposed to rain a lot in the next two days as well, if the forecast stays the same. I’m going to be rude to my husband tomorrow morning and get his punk ass up out of bed to do mobility with me before he goes to work. I’m not going to take no for an answer this week, I’m going to be a bully and drag him out of bed if I have to, because we’re training.

Last week I was his sweet wife trying to get him up for the day.

This week he gets the Valkyrie.


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