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Opportunity Knocks: Getting my Fingers in all the Pies

Mia Garlock

No but really, I've been opportunity shopping.

I like the sound of that. It implies that I'm not just open to any opportunity, but that I'm keeping my eyes peeled for specific ones.

It's important to always keep ourselves open to new opportunity and options.. But what if instead of allowing ourselves to be open to all of them, we were more selective? That's what I'm doing. I'm only allowing myself to be open to opportunities that help me achieve my own goals. No side quests, no extras.

Which way do I go?

This means a lot of reworking existing things.

Like how I'm currently thinking about retiring the Recipe Vault because nobody utilizes it. Even though I legitimately spent months developing those recipes, photographing them, typing them out and correcting any errors, uploading all content into their very specific boxes, editing the layouts, the pages, etc...

But I also haven't added any new recipes to the Vault since publishing my Cookbook, and while not all Vault recipes made it into the cookbook, apparently that isn't enough to keep people interested. Partly my bad, because I don't exactly advertise it's existence.

I think it's just one more sign that Valkyrie Squad is part of my past and not my future. I started the Vault and all those recipes with Valkyrie Squad, and while I had some really great support in the beginning, ever since I left it's like all that support left too. It sucks, that that was the side effect. But unfortunately it is just "one of those things," that happens when you start putting yourself first- sometimes people are what fall off, not just bad habits. That sounds harsh, but it's my reality. All those connections and friendships I made... none of them have tried keeping in touch with me, or reached out. So it must have been time for them to leave me too.

So with little to no interaction, I'm left with a page that just takes up space here on my website and a bunch of content that is not being used or valued. Ouch.

But what's a Foodie Fitness Girlie to do? Keep it pushin'! We keep moving forward. The recipe vault may be past it's prime, but there are plenty more opportunities coming my way.

Like how I have a collab with 1st Phorm in the works right now. We're talking community events, supplements, another coaching platform, more clients, and basically turning this side hustle of mine into my forever career, with a little help from them.

Or like how I have studio time coming up so I can finally record the Mountainous Mammaries program and help all you top heavy peoples with your core and back discomfort.

What about Ascend Athletic and the photoshoot I have with their apparel? Yep, that's happening too.

Not to mention the actual coaching I've been doing, and my client who has been kicking wholesale ass the past 3 months. My girl has a ridiculous amount of health issues stacked against her- including but not limited to hashimotos and heart failure- and homegirl is DOING THE DAMN THING! She's been able to go off 3 meds, lost some weight, has so much more energy to live her life, and is enjoying more mobility than she's had in 5 years. THIS. IS WHAT. I LIVE. FOR.

My other client deserves a shout out too. While she has a very different set of obstacles in front of her, she's still putting in the work. My Sister from another Mister is dealing with a lot of external factors that contribute to her fitness struggles, not to mention recovering from a TBI and subsequent surgeries last summer- but she isn't letting it stop her from anything. Progress is slow when you're both the default, the business owner, and the injured one at home, but she's definitely still moving in the direction of her goals. She's learning to hold boundaries and preserve her self care time- something that many of us never figure out how to do.

So as I said before, I have my fingers in all the Pies of Opportunity. I'm carving out my spot. I'm setting up my stage. I'm lifting people up and helping them build lives they want and bodies they're comfortable in. I'm helping these women heal parts of themselves they never thought were broken or injured. I'm helping these women recognize how important they are, how much of the table they carry on their backs, and that they can stand tall and demand what they're due. Time to themselves, to care for themselves and about themselves without the demands of anyone else coming first.

And as for my own fitness journey- I see and feel my progress every day. I'm strong af these days my loves. I'm consistently repping 20s on my bar and it moves like butter. I need heavier weights again. My clothes are all in a weird phase of fitting me better or not at all. My ass looks fantastic. Lifting heavy and to failure for glute work is one of my favorite things lately. My arms are finally getting the kind of definition I want to see in them. Biceps are large and in charge and triceps are popping and wrapping around to my shoulder. Lats are Latting. I have more days where I'm feeling myself than I do days I tear myself down.

Anywho, just wanted to share a little update of what I've got going for me lately. Sometimes it's good just to lay it all out so we can see it from every angle. Are there sad views? Yeah, sure. But the big picture is pretty fucking beautiful.


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