Office Time
I have spent all FREAKING DAY at the desk, working in canva on my cookbook!
Like since 11am this morning, I 've been in Canva working on building the pages and layout and table of contents for it ALL DAY, pausing only to make dinner and then to get my kids in bed. I got back into it after I tucked everybody in and continued to fill out the ToC and page numbers, and then make those recipe pages.
I'm tired and my back hurts from sitting in this chair all day. I can't wait to foam roll and stretch it out as soon as I hit "publish."
Once I"m done building my cookbook I have more projects I need to finish up so I can release them too. I have a Beginner Mace Foundations & Flow planned out that I need to get organized on too.
All in good time! For now, I need to spend time with Azriel, my foam roller.