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Novice Day 24- Sore AF, Core AF

Mia Garlock

T​he first thought I had when I reached over to shut off my alarm clock this morning, was something along the lines of “oh dear gods OW,” because just reaching my arm out to the nightstand unleashed a level of sore I’ve yet to experience in Squad. The backs of my arms are protesting even typing right now. Lets not discuss how much effort it takes to lift my tea cup.

I​ may be filled with mild trepidation over today’s workout. We have a 15 minute Core Focus today and at this point I know better than to say “well at least it’s only 15 minutes!” I’m sure there will be some plank variation for me to swear my way through. And it’s not just my arms either- my core is aching from all the focus on keeping my core locked in and engaged during every lift yesterday.

V​alkyries may not whine about being sweaty, but I’ll whine about being sore all day.

I​ got into Mindstilling first thing so I could quiet all the whiney thoughts I had about my muscles, because honestly if those thoughts get too loud, I will talk myself right out of a workout. I didn’t want to do that- I’ve kept myself going and on track with very few bumps along the way in this journey so far, and this being the final week of Novice, I’ll be damned if I wuss out on a core workout now.

Everyone in Valkyrie Squad is feeling the intensity of the burn this week, so I know I’m not alone, and as cheesy as it sounds, that single fact brings me such comfort. We ache in solidarity, we work in solidarity, we sweat in solidarity. Even my Bestie has joined Squad now, and is feeling the comradery of us women and how we’re there to support each other immediately if someone needs it. Welcome to Valkyrie Squad Bestie, time to be a baddie.

O​nce my headspace was clear I dragged out my mat and got to it.

T​oday we need a lightweight resistance band, which is exciting to me because we haven’t really gotten into them yet.

Sam sat down on her mat in video and whined that she was so sore, and yes it made me feel better.

W​arm Up

The hip openers we did were blissful, but damn I hated leaning back on my hands at all for windshield wiper knees. Can I just not use my arms at all today? K thanks.

W​ork It

The Core workout today was only 4 moves deep, but we were encouraged to run it as a circuit if possible. It was not possible. I could not. I refused.

I need yoga, so thats what I’m doing next. Valkyrie Yoga 1 sounds divine today.

I​t’s still black as pitch outside, so I’m going to wait a bit before taking Yrsa for our walk. Supposedly it’s not going to be stormy today, hopefully we’ll have a pretty sunrise to ogle at while we get in our laps. I’m going to hide in another cup of hot tea and day dream about the bath tubs in Prythian and how Fae seem to understand the importance of a large hot bath better than humans.

Photo by Monstera on


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