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New Adventures?

Mia Garlock

I'm a little excited.

I have a preliminary interview tomorrow with a pretty badass gym in the College Town about 40 minutes from me.

They've been trying to recruite me for over a month, and I've been hesitant to go for it. Not only am I enjoying my current job as a budtender at a local dispensary, but Imposter Syndrome was really getting in my face about it too.

But something unexpected happened when I got a job.

I became really confident.

I'm good at what I do, and I enjoy teaching others what I know.

And isn't that exactly what this position I'm being recruited for at the gym really is? But even more relevant to my life and my skills, the very things I got certified for and practice on myself every day.

And then I saw this meme.

Isn't my dream to help others feel like badasses? Train to be badasses? So why am I balking when a Gym is begging me to apply?

I worked out about it and decided to give them a call back.

And that's how I ended up securing a preliminary phone interview with an Elite gym tomorrow.

I'm excited to even get that far. I'm feeling way under qualified but maybe that's just in my head? We'll see what happens!

I ran some errands while I talked myself through my anxiety and just leaned into telling myself that I was at the very least, a Hydrated Baddie with sore muscles and that counts for something.



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