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Monday Motivations- March

Mia Garlock

Another month has rolled on by for 2025! February didn't linger like I feel it usually does. Normally I can feel it dragging it's frozen ass across the calendar, but this month it skated by on soft snow and melted ice and I was pleasantly surprised by the 45 degree sunshine we experienced on it's way out.

March is now well under way, and all I've felt is sunshine, blue skies, and boundless optimism. Which is weird considering how much of life these days is in absolute disarray and potentially about to explode, but I digress- optimistic is what I feel.

March is upon us

Day Dreaming for Motivation

I keep having this one daydream. In a time where so much is uncertain, and my personal reasons for hitting the mat may not always be the most potent- there is one motivation that gets me there every time.

A Day Dream, that I have this badass group of women that I coach and for once in my life I don't have to try to make these friendships work. They just do. I don't have to turn down the volume on my particular brand of Sassholery because it's invited and loved. There's no one worried I'm upstaging them or trying to take their spotlight because there's room for all of us at the table. No one is reminding me that "well, this is my show, you know that right?" because we share the same stage and it's big enough for all of us and we all shine in our own way.

None of us fit into society or our previously determined cubbies the way we're expected to, none of us can stay quiet or keep our noses down. The ones who won't sit down and shut up, who don't know how to stay down when they've been knocked back, the loud, sassy, goofy, feisty women who never knew how good it would feel to earn the sweat on the mat. The ones who spent decades being told they were too much, while still feeling like they weren't enough- we're besties now.

And these women in my daydreams, they are so fucking badass. We laugh and cry and fight together. I coach these women to feel truly their best, to think like they're Goddesses, to feel strong, capable, and unburdened by the pressures of a world built for men on the backs of women and POC, and more. We build habits that last lifetimes, we cement our routines into place so we always know First Things First, and then we take on the world.

These women of my dreams aren't afraid of lifting heavy, of getting bulky, looking manly, they don't think twice about their weight or that second helping at lunch because we got gains to make baby. I've taught them how to cook meals that serve the purpose of delight and nourishment at the same time and meal prep isn't scary anymore. Meal times aren't a threat to their power or security, but a tool of Empowerment that proves that yes, you are meant to be here, you are meant to be well fed and nourished and powerful and seen.

I keep daydreaming these clients into reality. Manifesting that these women find me and we vibe together off into the Sunset. Battlefield of our insecurities at our backs, because we aren't even going to glance behind us- we aren't going that way.

Don't mind me over here, I'm just making magic.


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