Monday Madness & Mace Adaptations
I woke up to a blizzard outside, the furnace off, and feeling like I got smacked upside the head. I was not with it this morning. I actually woke up super early, around 4am, and couldn’t get back to sleep. So when the alarm went off at 5am, I was really struggling.
Then I found a mouse in the dog food bag in the kitchen, and about lost my damn mind. With some ingenuity on my part I managed to catch the little bugger and released him into the wild. He’ll probably find a way back inside, but I couldn’t dispatch him without tears filling my eyeballs, so I set his little self free. I know, what a Valkyrie, will train swords and self defense and Mace, but can’t kill a mouse. I’ve been laughing at me too.
I ended up doing some stretching and Boxing Drills this morning, because when I lifted my Mace and my weights they all felt super heavy, probably because of how tired I was. It just wasn’t time to train with them that early today, and I vowed I would do it later in the afternoon once homeschool lessons were done.
I listened to music. I practiced my Mindstilling breaths, drank my tea, and glared out the window at the snow blowing around. We had 55 degrees in February, THEE biggest False Spring Tease ever ever, and since then, it’s been back and forth between 45 degrees and blizzards every other day. I’m so ready to workout outside again, I hate that the snow keeps coming down.
I ended up doing Mace in the kitchen right after I made lunch for the kids. And of course the first set was Squat Curls and my right quad was like HA YOU THOUGHT. I had to stop and foam roll for several minutes, which made me mad. I tried squats again right after and of course that wasn’t happening, so I omitted Squats and Lunges from today’s workout and only did the upper body work. It made me wish I could have done them, and I wasn’t exactly pleased about skipping them, but I wasn’t super thrilled with the burning cramp that shredded across the top of my knee when I tried to squat or lunge down, so apparently my legs need the extra recovery work today. My arms are sore as hell though, so at least I got that part done.
I also realized I didn’t post yesterday’s blog post as planned, it just stayed in my drafts. Cool. What a great Monday! [disclosure, that was full sarcasm] It’s truthfully not a bad day, but there are some things that I wish were different, like my level of exhaustion, my lack of a full workout, and the snow blowing around sideways outside. Can’t even get a walk in because it’s white out conditions out there. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be like 45 or something, so I guess tomorrow will be walk day.
I’ve spent the day on Canva, much like I spent the weekend, and working on meal prepping for the week that I didn’t get done. I made curried sweet potato and lentils with rice and it’s so amazing. I’ll definitely need to add that recipe into the mix this week. I just need to find a way to photograph it so it’s not so ugly! I used green lentils and everything else in there is orange yellow or red, plus the spices, so it’s not the prettiest dish. It’s really very ugly to look at. I’ll need to find some red lentils in town so I can remake it a little prettier.
Hopefully with an earlier bedtime tonight I’ll be on game for my workouts tomorrow morning without issue. Keeping my fingers crossed for that.