Monday Fun Day, Day 96: Empowered AF
I had to argue with myself a bit this morning to get motivated. It’s Monday, and I so wanted to crawl back in bed after my Husband left for work. I wasn’t ready for the alarm clock to go off, my youngest daughter had a restless night and she kept me up and down for a small chunk of it. I’m not so tired that it warrants going back to bed though, I know I’ll be fine. But that doesn’t mean that voice in my head thought I shouldn’t go back to that warm cozy quilt and pile of pillows.
I made myself my tea and got into my workout clothes immediately so that I wouldn’t be able to talk myself into my cozy bed. Believe me, it was a battle of wills, the Valkyrie in me demanding I get up and train, but cozy Hygge Winter Mia wanted me in my bed until 9am. Valkyrie Mia won, she just needed that tea first.
I am now in week 2 of Blade, and we are starting off with core reset, and then moving into Boxing Bootcamp. There’s been some debate on calling it bootcamp or something else, when I hear Warrior Camp I just think of Windhaven, so then I want to call it a Windhaven Workout. I don’t know, I just remember it’s hard and sweaty, and I’ll be feeling like a cross between a slow sweaty death and an endorphin rush. Actually, that’s kind of how all the Blade workouts feel, now that I’m thinking about it.
I was on the mat by 6:15 for Core Reset, and my low back and hips love me for it. That’s not sarcastic either, my lumbar loves the work I do for this. It’s been pretty regularly achy lately, and I’m not sure if it’s because it’s winter and the cold and pressure changes are messing with me, or if it’s because my posture is crappy. Another theory, is that my body composition is changing so rapidly right now, that it’s displacing some of my weight and the way I carry myself, and because my back isn’t used to it, it gets tired more quickly. Try as I might to get steps in, I always end up sitting down more this time of year too, because it’s cold and the weather outside isn’t conducive to me getting my steps in, and there’s only so many times I can pace this small house without wearing a track in the old carpet.
Core and Back warmed up, I hit play on the Boxing Boot Camp, Windhaven Warrior workout, whatever we’re calling it, I got started. I needed to get myself going before I snuggled into the recliner.
What a way to start the week! I forgot how much I absolutely loved this workout, I didn’t entirely remember what it was about at first. Today’s workout was like a combo of body weight training, and boxing drills. Swoon city, I’m a little in love with myself right now, not gonna lie. I was fast, my feet and my hands making those combinations smooth and quick. I was able to shuffle back and forth, pivot, and punch, all synced with my breath, and every punch hit the same imaginary target. I can’t wait to get a punching bag of some kind.
I didn’t lose my balance with a single curtsey lunge, my squats were balanced, my push ups were actual push ups from my toes and hands, not my knees, not a second of break taken. The step up and knee drives weren’t wobbly, or all over the place, and I was able to move through my workout with a smile on my face the whole time. Smiling through the sweat is a whole other level, let me tell you. Normally I’m gritting my teeth because it’s so freaking hard, but today felt almost easy. Do not mistake that, I am sweaty and shaky, but I loved this one so much it didn’t feel like I had to drag myself through it at all. It was, as we say in Discord, Chef’s Kiss.
I wrapped it up with some Mindstilling and guzzling my entire 32oz water bottle like I’d been eating sand. I didn’t eat breakfast first this morning, and I didn’t get the chance to meal prep this weekend. So as soon as my kids are up for the day, I’ll be getting into breakfast and meal prepping my breakfast and lunch for the rest of the week, and getting the BBQ pork roast I have planned in the crock pot. I have some more studying to do this morning, so I’m going to fix myself some more tea and grab a yogurt to hold me over until I can cook something and not wake anyone up.
I’m waiting on the zipper replacement for my coat to come in, otherwise I’d walk Yrsa now, even though it’s still dark. We have some lights on us now so we’re more visible in the early morning darkness, but now I’m freezing my butt off being unable to zip up. So When it warms up a few degrees in a couple hours, I’ll take her for our walk and get our steps in. It’s been harder to do that lately, not just because of the coat, but because the weather here in Michigan is so damn soggy, it’s hard to be outside. Also, Yrsa freakin’ hates being soggy. She will tip toe around every puddle and glare at me if I make her walk in the rain. I haven’t gotten her a rain coat yet, because I guarantee she will destroy it, or me, at the earliest opportunity if I dress her in one. I want to live, so I do not put clothes on her.
I’m so excited and pleased with my progress just in the last week of repeating Blade. I already feel more coordinated, stronger, faster, smoother, in my movements. I’ll be ready for Valkyrie by the New Year. Just let that sink in: I’ll be ready for Valkyrie with the New Year. I can’t wait to grip that sword with confidence.
#Hygge #Training #CPTStudy #Corerehab #CPTCertification #Pilates #ValkyrieinTraining #BoxingDrills #BodyWeightWorkout #ValkyrieLifestyle #Workout #EatLikeaValkyrie #CPTTraining #Motivation #MealPrepping #Walking #Valkyries #Discord #EmpoweredWomen #Empowering #Valkyrie #ValkyrieSquad #Studying #MealPrep #TheMicroSquadGym