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Meeting Up with an Old Friend

Mia Garlock

I've known her for 20 years.

Its weird to think about knowing anyone for that long and still being friends. I feel like friendships have been something that I've struggled with my whole life, even as an adult, it's hard to keep them.

But not her, she's still just as excited to spend time with me as ever.

And it happened to be her birthday, so we went out for birthday coffee and a walk around town.

So we went to a local Cafe that I've never been to, and grabbed some tea. She told me that she has a heart condition and she can't drink coffee anymore, absolutely zero espresso, and only sometimes tea because it's gentler.

She told me about all her health issues and how they seem to compound each other. That she can't get on disability because she can still work up to 6 hours a day, according to the doctor. But the rest of that day she's supposed to keep her feet up above her heart! Do you know anyone hiring for less than am 8 hour day?

I really felt sad for how she's been written off by doctors. And I don't claim to be one or have a cure, but because she's been told NOT to move around much, the rest of her physical health has continued to deteriorate. And I'm so mad for how our medical industry has failed her.

She asked me if I had any advice for her health, and I offered to talk to her about nutrition. When she feels ready, maybe some gentle seated movements to keep her ROM functional and maybe prevent an injury picking up socks or something.

We need to stop telling people that they're broken beyond repair. We need to stop implying that they can live on only 50% functionality and that's that.

I'm not an expert on hearts or even on her condition, but she sounded hopeless.

And I've known her for 20 years, I grew up with her, partied with her, loved her. I was actually born with a heart condition and thank fuck I outgrew it or I could be in her shoes instead. I could be on so many meds to keep myself alive.

Todays birthday coffee date turned into a change in perspective.

And I'm so grateful that I can train hard, that I can walk and move and play and let my heart race without fear that it might give out. My friend can't do that.

I actually almost skipped my workout today too, because I spent so long in town today. But then I sat down to write this, and I just... I'm too aware of how close her situation is. I'm too in awe of her and her struggle and yet so fucking thankful that's not my life either. That probably sounds terrible.

But I don't have a heart condition that makes it difficult to exercise.

I don't take 20 medications a day to stay alive.

I do have some moderate nerve damage in my feet... that isn't bothering me right now.

I do have the tools and the knowledge to help myself and others.

I do have the blessedly functional body that can do the work, even if my brain protests.

Today made me aware of how easy I do have it sometimes, and for that I'm too grateful to sit on my ass. So I hit the mat right after dinner to squeeze a little more out of the day.

So after dinner I got dressed to workout and I dragged my mat outside for a late evening workout.

I did a other total body day, starting with core work to warm up and moving into legs: dead bugs and table top extensions into Squats and curtsey lunges.

Then I grabbed my weights and got into dead lifts, b Stance, and step ups.

An interim of more core work, with standing marches, bicycle kicks, bear stance and slam ball Twists.

And then I wrapped it up with Arms and Shoulders: bicep curls, Arnold curls, triceps extensions, and lat rows and shoulder press.

Finally, a muscle shot: except I completely missed my muscles.


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