Marketing & Classes
Yep, you read that right.
I'm taking new classes again! Partly because I feel like it makes sense to always be learning new things and challenging my brain, but also because it helps to keep my certifications active.
So this month I started taking online classes for Nutrition and Business Management!
I figured since I wrote a nutrition centric cookbook already, I might as well learn about all the supplements and full Macro and Micro breakdown too. That way I can help build you a meal plan that is appropriate for your body and your tastes, either from the vault or the cookbook itself.

And taking a business class just made sense. I'm notoriously inconsistent on this new website and my marketing skills are nil when it comes to myself. I can help all kinds of other people market their stuff but when it comes to me, I'm blank.
What can I say? I'm a Hype Girl, it's just what I do.
So you'll notice on the homepage that my IG has been extra active lately, because I've been making it a point to post on there more often. I'm trying to be better at engaging my followers and readers in my content. And in general just producing more content more consistently.
It's time that I got really comfortable with vulnerability.
It's one aspect of the Warrior Mindset that I haven't achieved yet. That in my vulnerability I will find strength., That by showing what I have perceived as weakness, I may show others a strength I haven't noticed before. I got scared during Valkyrie Squad, especially towards the end of it, because the only way I could progress was by being vulnerable and showing up with that side of myself ready to fight just a much as the rest of me.
I have a tendency to turn tail and run when it's time to pull down the inner walls and face what's inside, let alone show anyone else.
And you might be thinking, "But Mia you've always been very open about your struggles." And you're not wrong, but I've also never really cracked open those insecurities. Not really. I've always only ever talked about them the way that traumatized people do- nonchalantly, like it doesn't affect us anymore. But they do. My trauma affects my behaviors and thought processes every single day, sometimes I get to grow from it and heal something and feel empowered by my experiences. Other times I have a PTSD flashback and I spend the whole rest of the day wrestling with fight or flight.
Last week I was heavily triggered by a customer at work, and 20 minutes after the altercation I broke down in tears, hyperventilating because a stranger yelled at me so aggressively that suddenly I was 9 years old again and I was frozen. A deer in the headlights, waiting for the first hit to land.
Once my brain and body caught up that I was safe once that guy left, I broke down. That hasn't happened in ages. And I spent the rest of the day trying to recuperate from it.
Vulnerability is weird. Sometimes it drains us. Other times it strengthens us, forms a weapon we can use against the world. I'm fighting like hell to keep a good grip on mine.
