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Mace Training

Mia Garlock

I have my week split up right now, so that I’m doing 2 days of Valkyrie training, and 2 days of Mace training. Since both are intense workouts that challenge various parts of my body, I have scaled back my training to 4 days a week, with 3 days of mobility/active rest to prevent overtraining and burn out.

Because now, I am aware of exactly how quickly and easily you can get yourself in a bind with overtraining and over stressing the body. So I’ve created a little slower pace plan, to combine both programs in a manageable way. Since these Valkyrie days are repeats for me, and Mace is new, I think it gives me a good balance of strength training and endurance training that won’t break my energy or stress bank.

I made sure I ate some yogurt and took my supplements, drank a ton of water this morning, and have done my mobility. It’s pouring outside, it’s quite literally pounding on our metal roof and it’s super loud. My joints do feel a bit swollen today from barometric inflammation, which sucks, but I’m hoping that I can get through my Mace workout today without issue anyway. Just a little extra time spent on Mobility and I should be fine.

I ended up spending about 25 minutes just on mobility this morning. My joints are a bit tight and even crunchy in some spots from the weather. Heavy storm days are always a little rougher on me, and I have to take time to move around so I don’t hurt myself. After mobility I felt good enough for Mace though, so I got going. No speed reps today, just a solid set for set workout that kicked my butt.

Mace is a heavily exhausting workout. I was a bit tired when I got up today anyway, because I was up after 10p last night, but I’m really feeling it now. I’m glad I have it set up so that tomorrow is my rest day. I’m planning on going to bed early tonight anyway. My arms, I mean really my whole body, is tired now. Today might even call for a nap.

If the rain slows to a more manageable drizzle, Yrsa and I might go for a walk, since she now has her adorable raincoat. For right now, it’s still raining cats and dogs out there, and I have no desire for a cold rain shower, which is exactly what I would get if I went out there right now.

Time for tea and second breakfast. I’m thinking a duck egg burrito sounds like the perfect ending to my workout.


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