Mace: Stable & Strong
I started out this morning with a good 15 minutes of mobility and a solid breakfast. Today’s Mace workout is 8 rounds of sets, five moves total. Upright Rows, back loaded squats, sit up to chest press, mace digs, and a plank while moving the mace with one hand, in and out from under me. These aren’t speed sets, thankfully, because I despise them. Speed sets with the mace are dangerous, sacrificing form and balance to move quickly is a really great way to get hurt. I’m glad that isn’t on the menu today.
Greek Yogurt, with hemp protein and raspberries as my pre-workout breakfast so I’m not crashing out in the middle of it. Eating a small breakfast pre workout has changed everything for me. My endurance has increased ten fold, my focus and clarity later in the day has improved a lot too. I never realized how detrimental it was for my body to be doing fasted workouts or skipping breakfast until much later in the day until I started trying to push myself even harder. It even affects my mindset in a huge way, and I’m really glad that I caught on and corrected that bad habit.
It’s about 55 degrees outside this morning, so I’m taking my workout outside. Oh, how I have missed my outdoor workouts. Something about the fresh air on my face and finishing my workout with the sunrise just sets the tone and I’m in a great mood for the rest of the day. Even if I’m exhausted because of my workout, I’m smiling and playful and happy. I love winter, but I’m so ready for warm weather and spring time. I’m glad it’s finally here.
I moved through Mace pretty easily this morning. I don’t mean easily like it was cake, because I was sweaty and my arms are super sore right now too. I focused on engaging my muscles properly with each rep, and moved slowly and with proper form. I’ve gotten a lot better with my Mace squats and am no longer leaning into one side when I squat down. I also noticed with the upright rows, that my right shoulder isn’t bothering me like it was. It does still get tender, but it’s improving. The mobility work I’ve been doing with my shoulder has really helped with the delt pain I was having before. I can’t wait for my right side to catch up to my left in terms of definition.
I’m still waiting to hear back from ISSA on if I passed my final exam or not. It was open book, so I’ll be really upset if I didn’t, but mostly I’m just anxious to hear back. I still need to get my CPR and AED certs, but I have to wait for a class to open up locally first. There are two places I can go to get those certifications, one is the local hospital, and the other is in the college town about 25 minutes away. I have to check the schedule again to see what is more feasible for me, but I don’t think the next class is until May, so I’d have to wait to be certified until after I get back from Colorado. Speaking of…
T Minus TWO WEEKS until we leave for Colorado Springs! AHHHH!!! Say What?! Two More Weeks Until Valkyrie Vacation! I cannot believe I get to go! I cannot believe that we made it happen! Bestie and I are going to get on a plane together, and head out west to meet with the OG badasses that signed up for Squad in September and October, and we’re going to eat bougee food, and live in athleisure all week, and get permanent jewelry, and get tattoos and climb a mountain together! I’M SO EXCITED I CAN BARELY STAND IT! I’m also living in a state of perpetual disbelief, because when they first started making these meet up plans, I didn’t think I’d be able to go. It was impossible. I didn’t think I’d be able to figure out how to make it. But I have, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity.
I’ve been planning and prepping out my pack list so that I know what I’m bringing and how it’s going to pack away. Bestie and I are sharing luggage so that we don’t have to spend so much on checked bags, because airlines are absolutely insane about it these days. I haven’t gotten on a plane without my husband in like 11 years, and its been at least 5 years since I’ve flown at all. I’m so anxious and elated for this adventure. For real, I just… I need it. I need it so badly and it’s coming at the perfect time.