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Mace Drills My Way

Mia Garlock

I would be completely lying to you if I told you that I haven’t made my own Mace drill adaptations as I work through Onnit 6.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been using Onnit 6 Steel Mace to get myself familiar with the tool and weapon and the basic fundamentals of movement and working out with the Mace. It has a steep learning curve, especially if you’re a stickler for form like I’ve become, and so I’ve done the same moves over and over and over again until my form is as close to perfect as I can get it while repping it out. I move slowly, intentionally, with precision, and I’ve begun adding in passive holds and slow returns to get the most out of the workouts.

But I’ve also been adding in my own variations. I added a horizontal raise to my paddle lunges, to give myself a halfway point between the beginner and intermediate that Onnit 6 presents us in the videos. I’ve also started doing some laying down core moves with the Mace, and lateral twists while standing so that I can engage my core more consciously and really zero in on my posture.

Onnit 6 has been a great informative starting point for me with Mace, but I also think that having the base knowledge that I have through personal training with ISSA and through what I’ve learned with Valkyrie Squad, I’ve been able to modify certain moves to be Mace oriented and begun adding them into my workouts when I don’t think I can make it through another Onnit 6 video. It’s a good program, it’s just also really redundant, and while I know that doing the same moves over and over again will grant progress, my ADHD brain cannot with the monotony. I need the variability, I need the differences every couple days, not doing the same three workouts over and over again all week. That was what hooked me on Valkyrie Squad, it’s a progressive program, so it changes every week. I’d like to create a Mace program that does the same, changes week by week and adds in more moves, more range of motion, and more engagement in other parts of the body besides the shoulders and legs.

Mace truly is a total body workout, and I don’t think that any program I’ve looked at or tried in the last few months has offered enough variables in their beginner programs to really prepare anyone for the next steps in their Mace training. Not enough to keep people engaged and wanting to pursue it. And that’s why I’ve been experimenting with different moves and focus to give myself a great workout.

I stepped outside at a quarter to 7am to get my workout in this morning, because once again, my husband told me that it was too early in the morning and his sleep wasn’t great enough for us to work out in the morning. So I slept a little longer before getting up and getting ready, and once he was off to work I got myself on the mat.

We’re going to switch it up and try shooting for afternoon mobility sessions with him and see if we can slowly work ourselves up to early mornings at another time. While afternoons are not great for me, because I tend to hit an energy slump right after he gets home from work, I’m willing to power through it so that he can start to feel better himself. Maybe training him in the afternoons will reprogram my brain and I’ll be able to lose that energy shut down and transform it into something useful.

I have another meeting this afternoon with Kyla, my graphic designer about the website rebuild. I’ve made my selections for fonts and colors and logo, and now we’re going to get everything into canva so that we can create some social media templates. I should have a business email too that we can link everything to and get the ball rolling on aspects of the website that will involve a lot of communication, and just have one central hub for all the blog things so I’m not sifting through my everything email every day.

Yrsa came with me for my cooldown walk, but we only made it 2 laps because she was dragging me everywhere, including trying to drag me into someone else’s house because their little dog was barking at her through the window. And since my arms were so tired from having just done Mace, I didn’t really feel like fighting with her and the leash, so I brought her back home so I could finish out my walk on my own.

Now I need the rest of my breakfast, and a shower.


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