Maasverse: Summer Court
So I'm a day off on the calendar for the Maasverse quest, but that's because life is chaos, and if I can't bend it to my will as needed, it just doesn't happen. I'd rather be a day "late" than not doing it at all.
The Summer Court workout is a different kind of challenge. Deceptively so. Because when you first see Becca and Sam performing the moves, amidst giggles might I add, they don't look like they're that hard.
But then a few hours go by and you realize how hard you were working.
Sam's trademark of her workouts is that you might not feel them while doing them, but you'll definitely feel them after.
After the warm up we dove right into Trove Swimming, a variety of lunges and squats, some absolutely horrendous sitting core work (my least favorite) and finally some marching hip bridges.
What the Hel, Sam.
It was the hip bridges that really had me swearing the most. I'm glad it was the final move before stretches because my glues were not happy about the level of engagement they were experiencing.
I'm so glad I decided to embark on this particular side quest before trying to pummel myself into Ataraxia again. I really needed this boost.
Between the revelations coming with every single repeated court workout, and the knowledge gained about my body and the way that it works best, I'm realizing that I really needed this. I really needed to be reminded of how badass I've become, how much work I've put into myself, how strong I am because of it. I needed a reminder that wasn't a scale or a mirror or social media telling me how to think or feel about myself.
Even Professional Valkyries can get their head game messed up sometimes.
I'm proud of myself for pushing through two week of Massverse! There's 2 more weeks of workouts and Mindstillings left and I'm starting to really get pumped about getting through all of the rest of the workouts. I'm excited to feel strength in my limbs again, exhausted and sore after hitting the mat.
Funny, even when you know that the thing is missing, you acknowledge that it's missing and you need to get back to it, you never actually realize how much, how badly you miss the thing until you get it back again.
Human brains are funny.