Maasverse: Night Court Workout
Honestly, I wouldn't mind a trip to Velaris. I bet it's beautiful no matter what time of year it is.

No, this isn't real Velaris, there is no such place unfortunately. But I feel like this is a potential view, if such a place were to exist...
This workout used to kick my whole ass. And what I mean when I say that, is that I've never finished it before. That's right, my first attempt at the Night Court workout, I couldn't get through the whole thing. The lunges took me tf out and I was down for the count.
Today I made it all the way through though, yes sweaty and with quaking knees because my thighs were screaming after the lunges and sumo squats we did towards the end, after all the core work and planks we started with.
I'm so very PMSy and Luteal right now, so it wasn't easy necessarily to get through the workout, but it wasn't like... Blade Day 1, attempt 1. That was fucking insane. That was harsh, humbling, and terrifying. To this day, even post Valkyrie and Mace training, Blade Day 1 is the hardest workout I've done to date. The Night Court Workout I did tonight wasn't half bad. It challenged me, reminded me where I'm strongest, and yes I still swore at Sam on my screen, it's tradition.

I guzzled a ton of water afterwards, because indoor workouts in February mean I'm extra thirsty after hitting the mat. And now I'm heading into the shower, where I'll play an evening windown Mindstilling audio, and then to bed for another read from my TBR. I don't know if I want to go for Pure Smut, or Romantasy with a Badass FMC?