Lunathion & Carpe Librum
Holy ass kicking.
My cycle ended on Sunday and I was feeling energetic right away. I went through and cleaned my whole house and got on top of my game again. I've been really good about my vitamins and my water intake and I've been sleeping so so well since I started taking bedtime minerals. Insomnia no more, no more 3am wake ups and stay ups, no more tossing and turning. My head hits the pillow and I am OUT. It's been lovely.
With my energy skyrocketing, I dove into the Lunathion workout from the Maasverse Quest with deliberate force on Leap Day. And I fucking loved it.
The introduction detailed a total body workout, which I was excited and ready for. What I was unaware of though- its a core focused total body workout. Meaning that every move is a compound move- core centric with an additional move that targets another area of the body as well. A double whammy if you will.
This did not deter me from anything.
I added another 5lbs to my weights. I was gonna go big or go home crying about it, and I bumped my dumbbells up to 20lbs. 15s were still work, don't get me wrong. But I wanted a little more, I wanted to try and see what happened.
What happened, was I smashed this workout. Even with the weight increase, I killed it.
The skull crushers killed my triceps. The single leg dead lifts killed my glutes. The entire damn thing has every angle of my core aching. When I say I felt all of my obliques, I mean I felt ALL OF MY OBLIQUES. We did these insane Viper Queen Plank Twists and my whole side body has been on fire since the second rep. I loved Lunathion. It's now in my top 5 favorites from The Micro Squad.
And to my absolute shock and surprise, I was barely sore this morning when I woke up. The way my legs were shaking after the single leg dead lifts, I thought for sure I'd be sore af today. But no, I was not.
I have a love/hate relationship with my lack of soreness after an intense workout. I love it because I feel great! And the confidence boost is incredible! But that confidence boost also makes me cocky as hell, and it almost always leads to regretful choices.
I don't actually regret jumping into Carpe Librum today though. It was another spectacular workout, that absolutely kicked my whole ass. I am sore. We even used BOOKS for weights today, and I'm still infinitely more aware of my muscles than I was before doing it. I am sore.
It just goes to show you, that it doesn't matter so much how heavy your weights are- the time under tension and muscle groups being used makes all the difference in a workout.
Its time for spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and a long hot shower. Perhaps I can con my husband into rubbing some magnesium on my sore spots. Haha who am I kidding, I know he will.