Laying Low
Last night I struggled to fall asleep for a little while, so I woke up later than I normally do this morning.
I got up today at around 8:45a, which didn’t give me a ton of time before the podcast recording meeting we had today. I ended up being a few minutes late for it, but got myself together just in time for what is going to be another great episode.
And other than that, today went by rather easily. I’m still finishing up my cycle, so I didn’t work out today. I cleaned and walked Yrsa and waited for a rain storm that never showed up today. I had hoped it was going to, the grass is all brown and crispy and the trees look wilty and sad, as it hasn’t rained in weeks and it’s been 80 degrees or more every day.
It’s very much a very melty situation, and I’m not a huge fan. It’s too hot to do anything unless it’s 5am, so I’ve spent most of the afternoons lately not doing much of anything that requires too much movement. Movement equals sweaty sticky misery in the bog.