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Just a casual Freak Out

Mia Garlock

insert screaming here


I'm having a moment of omfg what the hell was all that, because BY THE CAULDRON my eyes wanna bleed and I don't know if I ever want to cook anything ever again, let alone photograph my food!



Just over here casually huffing and puffing and losing my mind because I DID THE DAMN THING.

That's right, this ADHD Queen finished a project! How unusual.

And now... just like that, I can... I can move on, to other projects.

I can do other things.

I can focus on my Mace program. I can focus on my personal workouts. I can focus on... whatever else I need to and not stress about how much or how little time I spent on the cookbook today. Because it's done.

This has been such a beast of an undertaking. Not because cooking is particularly difficult for me, but because I season with my heart and my ancestors guiding me so measuring things has been a lesson learned.

But something else in me healed so much along the way.

I learned that how I was eating this entire time hasn't been the problem at all because what I eat is healthy. I didn't have to do anything special to my recipes to make them healthier or fewer calories because they were already great.

By writing this cookbook, I learned that the problem was never me, it was the misconceptions I previously held about food and eating and what was truly honestly good for my body, not what the media claimed was.

I think this has been a great stepping stone in my wellness journey, in my journey to loving myself and being confident and comfortable in my own skin.

Not once in these few months have I felt any type of negativity about my body, it's shape, size, or texture. I've only been proud of my strength, comfortable in my clothes and even in a swimsuit. Confident in myself. I love it here.



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