In Sickness & In Health
Oh, I love my husbeard with all my heart, he is my person, my Mate, but dear gods if he doesn’t stop bringing home colds I might have to pummel him.
About 3 days ago now my husband started feeling unwell, overall just gross and little scratchy throat. He missed yesterday at work, and is home again today, because he’s got a mild cold. Unfortunately for me, now all three of our children have it, and I am feeling less than stellar.
I put the kids to bed at 9:00pm like usual, but by 1:30am my youngest was coughing, this loud, croupy, awful cough, and crying. I got up and gave her some cough medicine and moved her into my bed with me- my husband had opted for the couch to try and spare me from his cold too. So after being up and down over and over and then coughed on all night, I’ve not slept more than 2 hours, and I’m feeling run down and a little sickly myself.
The unfortunately reality, is that my husbeard has an auto immune disease, which leaves him vulnerable to literally any and all colds that hey may encounter when he interacts with people at work. He never shares his pens, doesn’t touch people, and washes his hands all the time, we eat healthy. His gut simply isn’t as strong as it should be, and so encountering people in public poses a threat to his health. And yes, it’s just a cold, but then he comes home to our 3 kids, who are always all over him and each other, and well, do the math. He gets sick, they get sick. I lose sleep, and ultimately I get sick.
All this to say, I’m not working out today. I had such high hopes for today, for working out through Valkyrie at the most optimum time for my body to go hard, push myself, and make more muscle gains, more coordination skills. Nope. Not, tuh-day.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on
I’m reviewing my notes. I’m writing, reading, and tending to my kids. Hopefully there is a nap in my future. Keep your fingers crossed for me.