In my Cozy Era… for Today.
It never fails, we spend one solid day with a friend we haven’t seen in a long while and then BAM! The whole house gets taken down by a cold. Such is life when your kids are small and washing hands is either torment or or a splash pad.
My youngest got taken out hard and fast, and by Friday night she was a sniffling, stuffy, sad mess. She just kept yelling at everyone all weekend to leave her alone and stop talking to her. Not that I blame her, everyone kept pouting at her and asking if she was okay. Like no, of course she’s not, look at her! She was miserable.
Saturday my oldest started coughing, and Sunday my son became a walking runny nose. I got out all my potions and concoctions for immune boosting and gave everyone a dose of medicine. Last night I made everyone take an epsom salt bath right before bed and I don’t think the house ever got so quiet so quickly at bedtime. Poor kiddos, everyone is just wiped out.
I’m not sick, not yet. But I’m exhausted. That first night with my youngest was rough, she was awake every hour or so and just crying and so upset because she felt awful. I barely slept, because Mom Life. I got a nap in on Sunday, and I slept really well last night, but I know I’m in for the long game with all 3 kids sick. Hopefully my remedies will be enough that we climb out of it pretty quickly.
I’m cramping pretty significantly today. I’m just here like “this is not the time.” There is nothing worse than being caretaker to multiple sick people, while also being on your period. Except being sick, the caretaker, and also being on your period. That’s one step farther into hell for sure, been there done that, do not care to revisit. -9345693457/10 experience. I’m hoping against hope that my immune system holds out and I don’t get this cold. So I’m staying in, making stew, sipping hot broth and tea all day long, and letting my body rest. The last thing I want to do is a hard workout with cramps like the ones I have, and a body trying to fight off the attacking cooties I’m surrounded by. I’ll exhaust myself completely and then I will get sick.
I’m focusing on nutrition and hydration today. I want to be well and rested and relaxed while I care for my kids and disinfect the house.
So today I’m in my Cozy Era, and I refuse to have any regrets.